Vol.1. Ch.1

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It was currently raining in a forest as two humanoid figures could be seeing traversing through it. One of the figures was a middle-aged man while other was a teenager. Even though it was raining quite heavily but not a single drop of rain fell on either the middle-aged man or the teenager. They were completely dry. If this deed was done by a human on earth then people would give him the status of god and worship him but this world was not earth and the deed performed by the middle-aged man and the teenager could be done by anyone in this world. This world was called Grandura.

Grandura was a higher world. Worlds were graded as lower, middle, higher and Divine. The worlds were graded on the basis of concentration and purity of a special kind of energy which was present in all worlds in the universe. This energy was called Elemental energy. Our Earth also had it but in almost negligible concentration which made earth a lower world. Since Grandura was a higher world, which meant that the concentration of elemental energy was quite high in it.

The inhabitants of a world with higher concentration of elemental energy, which included beasts and different kind's humanoid races, practiced the art of Cultivation. A living being could gain unfathomable power by overcoming the limitation of his body by practicing the art of cultivation. In worlds that had elemental energy, personal strength determined everything for a person including life and death matters. These worlds lacked human rights. These places strictly followed the policy of survival of the fittest.

This forest of Grandura was named Eternal forest. It was one of the most beautiful forests in this world but the beings that lurked in the depths of this forest made this forest made this one of the forbidden zones of Grandura.

The Eternal forest was a home to large number terrifying creatures like elemental beasts, elemental birds, etc. Animals and birds that were able to cultivate were known as elemental beasts and elemental bird respectively.

Unlike Earth, this world had abundant amount of elemental energy. This energy affected its inhabitants as well. Since the life on this planet evolved in the presence of elemental energy it turned out completely different from Earth. Even rats and insects were as big as human beings. So, the size of other beings could be imagined. This world had every kind of creature a human being on earth could imagine right from Dragons to undead creatures.

"Grandfather, what kind of elemental beast should I hunt and what should be its cultivation level." The teenager asked with a lot of enthusiasm. He was named Ryan. This was Ryan's first time coming to a forest to hunt elemental beasts. Most humans would take their children to forests to hunt elemental beasts when they step into the mortal elite realm in Grandura while some other humanoid races would do this even earlier. This was an important day for all teenagers as it marked the start of their life as martial artists. So, Ryan's enthusiasm could be understood.

"Let's find an elemental beast with same cultivation level as yours i.e. early mortal beast elite." Ryan's grandfather said as he scanned their surrounding with his soul sense for any anomalies. Ryan's Grandfather was named Oscar. Soul-sense was a basic ability which all martial artists possess from Mortal lord realm onwards. It works like a radar and lets a martial artist know his surrounding better and helps him detect anomalies in his surroundings. A Martial artist can avoid sneak attacks during fights if their soul sense was activated during the fight. So, its significance could be understood.

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