Chapter 1

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You crawled after Liara through the vents trying not to make too much noise so Cerberus didn't shoot in the vents and kill you both.

Being a soldier was needed when the news of the Reaper came to light so you joined up blah, blah, blah and got assighned on mars where you mostly guarded the outside when out of nowhere you were assighned as Liara bodyguard so to speak.

The Asari was very impormant on the study of protheans being maybe the smartest of all the scientists so of course the most impormant scientist could't be lost so you had to follow her around making sure she was safe.

It was a small chance that somebody actually would try to hurt her but the leader of this station took no risks so you had to guard her from who knows, Cerberus, assassins, food poisen, dangerous protheans artifacts all that kind of shit who knew at the end you actually had to safe her blue ass from Cerberus.

Liara : first the Reapers now Cerberus this day is only getting better and better

(Y/n) : don't tell me i already know this

Liara : im sorry about earth (y/n) i promise you we find a way to save earth along with humanity

(Y/n) : i know doc, don't worry about me im fine

She nodded her head crawling farther infront of you unaware she was distraction you with her ass the reason you wanted to go first but you looked down not to be rude crawling on hoping to make it somewhere safe. Two Cerberus soldiers seemed to have heard you, crawling in the vents themself only for you to throw a grenade around the corner for them turning them into small bits of meat.

You dragged your body and assault rifle futher praying you didn't find more Cerberus soldiers now you were out of grenades and almost of ammo. Liara still had some ammo for her handgun and her biotics so she could protect you both but you didn't want her to have to fight against Cerberus herself.

She reached the end of the vents first kicking it down so she could jump out landing on her feet you falling on your side a few seconde after her.

Liara : you alright ?
(Y/n) : im fine just need to find some ammo

You dusted yourselfs off happy to be able to stand straight again when three soldiers appeared from behind a container lucky they weren't Cerberus but Liara's old friends Ashley and Shepard accompanied by James holding his gun up so naturally you aimed back having still 12 bullets left in your assault rifle.

Shepard : calm down she is on our side (lowers James gun)

Liara : Shepard your a sight for sore eyes (lowers your gun)

Understanding they were friends from the stories Liara told you, you relaxed lowering your gun then gathered some ammo from a ammo crate. The guests and Liara walked over to a window to show what Liara was telling about seeing two trams drive by it bullets flying in there meaning your team was still putting up a fight.

You joined the group staring James in the eyes who did the same not showing fear.

James : kill count ?

(Y/n) : 5

James : (chuckle) 6 but not bad rookie

You two fistbumped hearing the sound of a door being cut by Cerberus, Shepard ordered James to get the shuttle while all of you would move to the reason Cerberus attacked. The door opended so 4 soldiers could enter to be caught in Liara lift power to be excuted in mid-air not getting the chance to fire a single bullet.

Shepard : lets move (reloads gun)

You all moved as a team together through the facility taking down all the Cerberus soldiers you could find finding out the new scientist you didn't trust let Cerberus in even killing a entire room full of poor scientists.

You made sure to keep doing your job of protecting doctor T'soni killing so many as you could staying close to her doing anything in your power so she didn't even get a single stratch not only because it was your job but you actually really cared about her.

You were now in the last room keeping you from reaching the archive shooting a hiding Cerberus in the leg so he showed himself crawling over the ground in pain when you excuted him with a shot to the head.

You could hear two more round the corner so in a split second you aimed for the corner shooting the first through the chest the second showed up who got a blast of carnage in his face killing him.

One stood up still alive after being shot using his omni knife to stab you in the back only you turned around firing in his throath then aimed lower when he was in shock shooting him through the heart.

(Y/n) : all assholes are death

You all moved in the archive finding it empty, you and Ashely checked the Area while Shepard and Liara looked for the information.

You could hear somebody typing so you went to investigate taking slow steps to find the traitor herself typing away on a computer dowloading the data.

(Y/n) : hand over the data doctor and i only shoot you in the legs.

She looked behind her looking like she wanted to surrender for a split second then kicked you in the stomach hard enough you fell over giving her the chance to destroy the console then take the run for it you right behind her. 

You shot her so many times in the back only her shield took every hit recharging rediclous fast making it impossible to stop her from leaving the room only you never slowed down going after her.

You chased her to the roof leaving the others Somewhere behind you not bothering to wait just following that damm traitor filling her back with bullets or blasts.

She fled to a Cerberus shuttle... she was to fast to catch up and bullets had no effect at all so as a last hope you pulled a grenade from of your belt? pulled the pin then threw it as hard as you could tripping after the throw.

The grenade caught up to the traitor when she entered her ship just slipping in when the doors closed trapping her with the grenade inside the shuttle that blew up from the inside crashing back on the roof burning and smoking.

The others finally caught up sad they lost the data but now Cerberus lost it too so it was good enough, James touched down not to far from the shuttle starting a talk to commander Shepard about what all happend while James was gone.

You and Ashley investigated the shuttle Liara watching from a distance when the door was kicked open by the traitor now with her skin missing showing she was in truth a robot.

Your gun clicked empty at being aimed at the robot so you just threw it down on the ground summoning your omni knifes, you charged at her recklessy trying for a stab to the head but the woman caught your arms then grabbed you by the throath holding you away from her waiting for the order.

She recieved the order to kill you so she turned around smacking you in the burning wreck of her shuttle then punched you in the face over and over again.

(Y/n) : why did i (punch) i try to stab her that was (punch) stupid she is a freaking robot why did i be (punch).. lieve thay would work !?

The humans and Asari saved you, firing in the robot back with all their bullets not a single hitting you until the robot shut down from the attack letting you go. Your helmet was cracked your face bruised bleeding yet you still fought to stand up recieving help from Liara dragging you to the shuttle.

Liara : (y/n) come on we get you medical help just keep pushing !!!!!

Your legs became heavy the more you dragged yourself over to the shuttle so fast James had to help Liara drag you the rest of the way knowing that without the Citadel help you could die so the next destination was obvious.

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