A Kidnapping

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"Get off me!" The little girl screamed, trembling. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to escape the grasps of the big men holding her. There were four men there. One was sitting in the driver's seat of a large van waiting to speed away the minute the girl was captured. The second was standing a little far off as lookout and the last two were holding the girl down. The darling little girl was only about five years old and was terribly weak.
The men dragged the girl into the van, throwing her in the back. A dogs bark echoed in the neighbourhood. A whimper escaped the girl's lips as her head crashed against the side of the van. The van sped off, the last man jumping in at the last minute. The last light in a nearby house was quickly switched off.

When the girl's inky black eyes flickered open she gasped in surprise seeing her surroundings. Her soft brown curls whipping around her face as she tried to get out of her binds. She was sat in a chair her wrists and ankles tied tightly to the chair with rope and metal cords. The towering walls around her were a deathly white stained with the blood dripping from her wounds due to the wire cutting into her wrists as she struggled. Her head spun. She squirmed in the metal chair, uncomfortable and cold. A tear rolled down her cheek. Whatever was she going to do? Would her parents really care? What about her beloved Auntie Laura? Would anyone even notice she was gone? A sob escaped the girl's lips knowing that this may be her end.

A man in a white coat walked in holding a syringe with a strange murky black liquid swirling in it. He approached her with a sinister smirk gracing his features. Her strange black eyes widened in terror. Her pupils dilated in fear, merging with her black iris's. She was frozen as he stuck the needle into her arm.

A scream pierced the air.

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