We had just arrived to see that Bella came back from the store. Emmy had started to cry out to Bella, and had wanted to talk to her. Of course I also needed to tell Bella about what had happened as well. After they finished talking I ended up getting some time together with Bella before I slept. " Hey Kali..... um you had something you wanted to tell me, right? Bella said. " Yes I needed to tell you that at the party, Brandon confessed his love to me. He said it "liking" Emmy was just a plan to getting to talk to me." I said in a worried manner. Bella suddenly looked pale, she had passed out on the floor. I quickly grabbed my phone and called an ambulance. After calling the ambulance came and had awoken Emmy. "What happened!? Emmy asked. "She passed out when I was... um... doing the dishes, yeah I just heard her collapse!" I said nervously. Emmy stared at me as if I were saying I found a unicorn dancing on a rainbow. If you knew Emmy, you would know she wouldn't fall for that crap. We both got in the ambulance to check on Bella at the hospital.
Bella must have collapsed because of all the secrets found. Will or will she not recover? Find out in the next chapter! Make sure to vote,
comment, and follow me.😄☺😊😀😁😂😃😅😆😎.

Teen FictionThis book is about 2 friends who have some secrets and hide it frome each other. Pls don't judge bc I am very new to writing books.Stay tuned for updates!