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I ran up to ban's room and locked the door behind me. He knocked on the door a minute later and I told him,
"Go away! Just leave me alone! I don't want to talk about it." Tears streamed down my cheeks and I heard the footsteps get quieter. I slid down against the door and buried my head in my kneecaps. A few minutes later, I heard another knock.
"Hey, (Y/n). I'm sorry I brought you here, I didn't know. If you'd like, I'll take you back,I'll help you find them. I didn't- please come back."
"I don't want to talk to you either! Its not that I don't want to be back. I want to find them, but I know I can't! Because their already dead! By my hands! Every singe one of 'em, Nate! Don't you see? I can't go back!" I yelled. I heard some rustling outside and just ignored it. The window moved and my head came up. Ban had actually used the window to get to me.
"Please don't help me ban,I'll only bring you sorrow." I said in a low sweet whisper.
"(Y/n), I can't let you deal with this alone." He said picking Me up.
He sat me on his lap when he sat on the bed. I didn't struggle with him since I was comfy and was calming down. He seemed to notice and started to rock me like I was a child.
"Don't be hard on yourself. I did the same thing to my family. The only difference is, they hated me and enjoyed the pain. I only wanted them to love Me as a boy. I always felt terrible about it, and wanted others to suffer just like me. That's why I took your shoes." He gave me a blank expression and I took the opportunity.
I leaned up and kissed him on the lips. I could tell he enjoyed it, because he pulled me closer and held me up. I never really thought about the emotions ban had for me until gowther appeared. He showed me how ban felt, and I was sorry for turning him away. This was just my way of apologizing. I felt cold chills up my back and it was ban. He had an aura, that was attractive, but scary at the same time. He was interesting, ban. We backed our lips away at the same time.
"Ban, how did you get through it? All the troubles."I asked.
" I just didn't think about it that much, soon after I got over it." He said. I sat up and then leaned on his chest. He stroked my hair and gave me a kiss on the top of my head.
"I'm sorry you feel the way you do, and I know if I can't fix that it'll only get worse. But. if I can do anything, please let me know." He sat me onto the bed and tucked me in. He put his hand on my cheek and said,
"I have never seen a more beautiful girl, than you." He started to leave and I held his hand on my cheek.
"Ban, please don't leave me here. I don't want to be alone anymore." He smiled and layed down next to me. I hugged him them closed my eyes. When they opened again, I wasn't facing him. I had moved in my sleep and turned around. And ban had his arms around my waist and had pulled me closer. When king walked in, I pretended to be asleep.
"Woah, woah woah! That's is defiantly new!" I heard king say. "Should I take a picture? Nah..... You know what, I just might." He got out his phone and took a picture of us. I almost freaked out, but then I thought it'd be kinda cute. Ban moved when the flash went on, and put his head in the crock of my neck. I eventually acted like I just woke up. I yawned and he put his phone away.
"Uh h- hi (Y/n)!" He had a lying smile on His face, but I didn't say anything about it. I pushed his head off my neck and sat up strait.
"You come to wake us up?" I asked.
"Well actually, I came to see if ban would cook breakfast. Everyone else is already awake.
" that's what you get for putting the 2 heavy sleepers in the same room."
"Heh, yeah about that. I was wondering, how do feel about ban? Like as a friend or what?" He asked suspiciously.
"Hmm, well I would say we're friends. But it could always be more. Maybe I like like him, but I'm not really sure at the moment. Just roomies for now."I yawned and stood up to stretch.
" interesting ,well can I show you something?" He asked.
"Sure" I said boldly.
" promise not to freak out? Because "just being friends" doesn't explain it."
" I promise." He tuned on his phone and put it on his gallery. He shoved it at me and I looked at the picture of ban and me. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "mhm, that's normal. " he pulled back the phone in shock.
"Are you kidding me?! That's the kind of stuff people do when they love each other!" He shouted. Ban suddenly sat up and me and king looked over at him.
"Why are guys staring at me?" He said in a low monotoned voice.
"He thinks its strange how we sleep. King even got a picture."
"Well how do we sleep?"
"Apparently like we love each other. Well you 2 can figure that out, I need a shower." I said walking into the bathroom avoiding what happened. Shortly after I got out to see ban sitting on the bed. I got dressed in some comfortable clothes and sat down with him.
"Something wrong? You didn't even look at me when I came into the room."
"Nah, I'm a little tired, but ever since we talked about our families, I'm starting to feel a little guilty. I mean they never liked me, but I still love them."
"I feel the same way." I said. I hugged him and he pat my shoulder. We walked downstairs and he started getting ingredients out for breakfast. I sat at a barstool and layed my head down. Meliodas sat beside me and whispered in my ear,
"Do you love ban? And does he love you back?"
"No, just stop asking please." I told everyone who did the same thing. Ever since king got that picture, everyone seemed to be trying to make us a couple. It got annoying, especially since gowther knew the truth. They teased me all day, and even came in the middle of the night to ask. When it was closing time, I ran upstairs to avoid them. I immediately changed and climbed into bed. Meliodas came upstairs and pulled the covers off me.
"You can't just leave us hanging, (Y/n). We're going to play a game, can't you play to?" He said holding his hand out for me to grab it.
"Fine, but nothing gross. I know you Meliodas, so don't try anything." I said in a stern voice.
"I won't do anything. Promise, its just a game." He grabbed my hand instantly and started pulling me. I finally stood up and walked down there with him. Everyone was talking to each other exited to play. Meliodas finally made everyone quiet and started to speak. "Alright the game we will play tonight is, curse. Meliodas explained the directions.

1. Everyone in the house plays
2.whoever finds the most trinkets in the house wins
3. Whoever wins chooses someone to " curse"
4. A curse makes someone do something for you for 1 week.
5.keep your trinkets in a bag so no one can take them
6. Cheating is allowed, if you don't get caught.
7. If you are caught cheating, you are out of the game for 5 minutes, and have to give them what you took. Plus one of yours you found.
8. The game lasts 20mins in total

"Alright, who's ready to play?" Meliodas said.

Locked Up((ban x Oc) Seven Deadly Sins)Where stories live. Discover now