Uh Oh . . .

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Hey everyone! This is my first story, let alone fan fic, so i hope you guys luv it! Oh, and I'm a stickler for grammar mistakes, so I'm always open for constructive criticism and comments on any word spelling problems or whatever. PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP LEAVE COMMENTS!


The recording studio smelled like pizza and dirty socks.

Slumping into a chair, I felt something squish under me. Afraid to see what I sat on, I slowly stood up. I sighed, telling Louis, who was in the room with me, to cover his ears.


My rant done, I marched upstairs to change my pants and kick the butt of the person who left the fudgin' BURRITO in the couch. 

Liam ran into me in the hall, and his sheepish look told all.

"Liam, really? Of all people?" I asked disbelievingly. He was supposed to be the "daddy" of all of us, the responsible one.

"Yeah . . ." He trailed off, not knowing if he should explain further. Awkward silence ensued, at least until I cleared my throat and mumbled Awkward.

A commotion rose from downstairs, saving us from having to continue with the odd conversation.

Louis and Harry were yelling at each other.

At the moment, Louis was yelling at Harry. He was saying, "That's no excuse for leaving your smelly sock on my carrots!"

"You should've moved your carrots out from under my sock," Harry retorted.

"Guys, guys, calm down," I soothed. 


Niall came down a few moments after we started arguing. He tried to calm us down, but Harry was dead-set on not picking up his sock, and no one wanted to do it.

Harry had a reputation for smelly socks.

And now, because of him, I can't eat my carrots!


Louis' being such a b****! Oh well, I am not going to pick up that sock.

Just then, one of the intern's for management shuffled in.

"Thanks for knocking, mate!" I called from my position on the couch. 

"I am very sorry Mr Styles, but there is an important reason why." The intern looked nervous to be talking back to me, pushing his glasses up his nose absentmindedly.

"And what might that reason be? You know how Harry Styles loves his privacy." The Irish accent came from close behind me. Niall was laughing silently.

I sniffed. Niall smelled faintly of Mexican food.

"Oh, your manager, since he's busy, wants me to let you know that you'll be getting a new member tomorrow."

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zayn and Liam ran downstairs and joined in the yelling. 

Louis was just yelling, "WHAT ABOUT MY FRIGGIN' CARROTS?!?!?! DOESN'T ANYONE CARE???"

Everyone started yelling different things all at once. All of a sudden, a sharp whistle blast cut through the hubbub, silencing everyone immediately.

The intern stood there, still holding the whistle aginst his lips. "Your manager gave me the whistle. He told me that you would make a fuss. Anyhoo, his name is Andrew, and he'll be coming tomorrow afternoon."

And with that, he turned on his heel and left, leaving us all in a stunned silence.


Hey guys! Sorry it's so short- I promise the other chapters will be longer!


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