Alleigences: ThunderClan

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FIRESTAR- a flame-colored tom with green eyes


GRAYSTRIPE- a shaggy dark gray tabby tom with yellow eyes


CINDERPELT- a dark gray she-cat with blue eyes

LEAFPOOL- a brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes


SANDSTORM- a pale ginger she-cat with green eyes

BRACKENFUR- a golden-brown tom with amber eyes
Apprentince, Whitepaw

CLOUDTAIL- a long-haired white tom with blue eyes

THORNCLAW- a golden-brown tom with blue eyes

BRIGHTHEART- a white she-cat with ginger patches and green eyes

ASHFUR- a gray tom (with darker flecks) and blue eyes

RAINWHISKER- a dark gray tom with blue eyes

SOOTFUR- a lighter gray tom with copper eyes

BRAMBLECLAW- a dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes

SQUIRRELFLIGHT- a dark ginger she-cat with one white paw and green eyes


SPIDERPAW- a long-limbed black tom with a brown underbelly and yellow eyes

WHITEPAW- a small white she-cat with green eyes


FERNCLOUD- a gray she-cat  (with darker flecks) and green eyes (mother to Birchkit, a light brown tabby tomkit with green eyes, Hollykit, a tiny gray she-kit with amber eyes, and Larkchkit, a dark brown tabby she-kit with blue eyes)

SORRELTAIL- a tourtiseshell-and-white and white she-cat with amber eyes (expecting Brackenfur's kits)

DAISY- a long-haired, cream-colored she-cat with blue eyes (mother to Berrykit, a cream-colored tomkit, Hazelkit, a small white-and-gray she-cat with green eyes, and Mousekit, a gray-and-white tomkit with green eyes)


MOUSEFUR- a small dusky brown she-cat with amber eyes

LONGTAIL- a pale tom with thick black stripes, a long tail, and blind blue eyes

GOLDENFLOWER- a pale ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes

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