Chapter 1

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An: I only own my oc Chloe and she won't be in this that much. Any other characters credit goes to the original creator.

SoulMate Au: Each other's initials on their wrist/palm/etc 

Whatever mark you get on your skin your soulmate gets it too  

Y/n: Your name

L/n: Last name

Y/i: Your initials

E/c: Eye color(s)

H/c: Hair color

H/s: Hairstyle 

F/c: Favorite color

F/b: Favorite book

F/a: Favorite anime

B/p: Body part (Be best to have it in a reasonable place.)

This will be added on to as this goes on.

-3rd person Pov-

You had recently moved into a house on Mystreet. Why? Because you needed a place to stay after being kicked out of your other place for some reason that even you didn't know. Meaning, a new place new people to meet. Your friend Elliot thought of this as an amazing thing, telling you that you'd have a chance of meeting your soulmate. Did you believe him? No, you never really believed in the whole soulmates things. Though Elliot had one and so did his friend Alice. The only thing that is making him state this is for the fact you have a Z.R. on B/p.

Also, another thing about this whole soulmates thing is that your soulmate could be a male or a female. So, would it be hard to find your soulmate if you were to look? Yes, because of that makes it way harder. It also had always crossed your mind that you might not like your soulmate when you meet them. 

You finally moved into your house with the help of a few guys that lived near you. "Thank you," you said smiling a little. "You're welcome." they had said, "So what are your names?" you asked, "I'm Aaron, and that's Travis and Dante." "It's nice to meet you all. I'm Y/n." "It's nice to meet you too Y/n," they said before leaving your house.

You had walked to a bookshelf in your house grabbing F/b and you walked to a chair and opened it and started reading it. So the whole soulmate thing has another part to it. It kinda gives a way for you to communicate with your soulmate. Because you can write/draw on your skin and it will appear on your soulmate. Same thing with them they could do that and it will appear on you.

The two of you had done that way more when you were younger for the fact you were bored in school. Or you would just write things to remember on yourself and your soulmate would question it. So it left you to explain it to your soulmate.

A friend of yours Alice she has found her soulmate. Her arm had a C.N. then her soulmate had an A.L. You had tested the whole thing writing on one of them to see it on the other. So cause of that it made you believe the whole soulmates thing more than you did. Because you also knew a few people who had gotten married to someone that wasn't their soulmate... So it isn't a necessary thing to find your soulmate. But it seemed like it might be cool cause you never knew maybe you and your soulmate would get along really well and something would actually happened between you and them.

Who would have known that this new place you moved to would be the key to finding and meeting your soulmate!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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