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I walked into the break room after our Seventeen show and searched for my phone. After fumbling through my bag, I had finally found it. I quickly grabbed my phone and sat down on the couch in the corner. The other 12 boys were messing around and Seungkwan was singing some song really loudly.

I unlocked my phone and went to my messages. I smiled to myself and saw that I had a text from my favorite person.

messages (1):
Jasmine- hey mah brotha, text me when your show is finished

I texted her back and she responded right away. We texted for about another 3 minutes until Seungkwan, Hansol, and Hoshi came up to me and all towered over me as I was sitting down.

"Who have you been texting?" Seungkwan asked in a detective-like way. "Why are you guys so nosy?" I responded back with sass, laughing. "Did you just sass us?" Hoshi said, basically yelling. I laughed but the next thing I knew, my phone was out of my hand and the three boys were running out of the room, and my smile disappeared.

I quickly got up and chased after them, desperate to get my phone back before they say anything weird to her. I was too late when I saw them run into a different room and lock the door. I sighed and started pounding on the door with my fist.


Joshua had finally texted back and we were having a conversation for a few minutes. I just answered a question he asked me but he wasn't responding. I waited a little bit longer and there was still no response. I shrugged, I probably shouldn't bother my kpop idol brother. Man, that's weird to think about. My brother is a kpop idol.

A series of continuous buzzing snapped me out of my thoughts and saw that it was a FaceTime call from Joshua. I looked at my appearance in the camera of my phone and saw that I looked like crap. I didn't really care though, since it was just my brother. I hit accept and the screen said, "connecting...".

"Hey Jo-... You're not Joshua." I said excited at first but my face and tone in voice dropped as I saw three attractive boys on the screen instead of my dorky brother. I quickly realized that I was not dressed to impress and my cheeks flushed to a light pink. My hair was up in a messy bun and I only had mascara on. I was not looking my best.

"Woah... He was texting a pretty girl? Who knew he could even talk to girls!" The one with eyes pointing like 10:10 on a clock said, examining me through the screen. "Are you his girlfriend?" The one with a roundish face said. The one with jet black hair covering his forehead wasn't saying anything and was just waiting for my response. He was smiling though from his silly friends. In my opinion, he was the most attractive out of the three.

"Um... I'm his sister, Jinhee, but I go by Jasmine." I said breathlessly, slightly laughing at the end.

"Joshua has a sister?!" The one with jet black hair said shocked while looking at the two other boys' expression. The two others looked shocked as well. There was really loud pounding coming from their side and all three looked to their left. Then I heard someone yelling, "Give me my phone back!" Yep, that was definitely Jisoo. "I will kill you guys if you say a word to her!" He said protectively.

"Did you guys steal his phone?" I questioned them in English without realizing and two of them looked confused. But the one with black hair responded back, "Yeah, we were wondering who he was texting." He said in English while laughing. "Enough of the English!" The one with a roundish face said in Korean and I laughed.

The next thing I saw was Joshua with an annoyed look on his face rushing up next to them. He had somehow unlocked the door and was now looking at his phone with a surprised look on his face. "Oh my god, hopefully they didn't say anything too embarrassing." He said while burying his face in his hands. "Oh... Yeah they kinda revealed all your deepest darkest secrets. " I said cheekily.

The three other boys laughed and started speaking. "I'm Hansol by the way!" The one with black hair said. "I'm Seungkwan!" The one with a roundish face said. "And I'm Hoshi!" The one with the 10:10 eyes said. "Nice to meet you all!" I said smiling. "You guys are in Seventeen too right?" I asked them. "Yep!" Seungkwan said. "Okay, that's enough interaction today." Joshua said, quickly grabbing his phone and walking out of the room.

"Bye Jasmine!" I heard Hansol say and I couldn't help but smile when he said my name.

YAYAYAY first chapter done! I'm really excited for this book and I hope you guys enjoy it! :))

march 12, 2017 •

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