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Yesterday I saw Joshua's sister for the first time. I didn't even know he had one until that FaceTime. She had many features like Joshua but she was still different in her own way. She was absolutely gorgeous. Even with her hair messily up and her bare face, she was still beautiful. I couldn't get her out of my mind. I really wanted to get to know her and I had an idea to accomplish that mission.

It was currently lunch time and all 13 of us were sitting around a table. Yeah... It's a big table. Everyone was eating a lot but I only had 2 bites of my food so far. Woozi started to notice me pecking at my food and asked, "Why aren't you eating well?" I responded with, "Just not hungry... I'm gonna go rest." I lied. He believed me thankfully and I got up and went to the break room.

I searched through Joshua's bag and tried to find his phone. I finally found it and unlocked his phone. He should really put a password. I searched through his contacts and spotted a contact that was named "lil sis". Figuring that it was Jasmine, I pressed the FaceTime icon on her contact. After a few rings, she answered.

Her hair was brown with a few lighter brown streaks and it was slightly wavy. She was wearing reading glasses this time, they looked like Wonwoo's, and she had a book in her hand.

She looked up from her book and onto her screen. She seemed surprised and flustered seeing that it was me instead of Joshua. "Hansol! What are you doing on Jisoo's phone? Did you steal it again?" She said while raising an eyebrow and laughing. I smiled at her and responded, "Mmm... Maybe." She laughed and something inside me felt happy that I caused her to laugh.

"So... What's up? Why'd you take his phone again?" She said. That was a good question. I knew I wanted to talk to her again, but how do I say that to her? "Uhh... I don't really know, I guess I just wanted to talk to you again. It's refreshing talking to someone other than the boys. Wait... That sounded rude. I didn't mean it like that, I meant like it's nice to have-" I was rambling before she interrupted and said while laughing, "Yeah... I get what ya mean Hansol." "Sorry." I said while looking down to fumble with my fingers. "You're good." She responded.

We talked for a bit more and I really enjoyed it. I learned some new things about her like how she lives in LA but she hopes to live in South Korea soon. I also learned that she is the same age as me and how she misses Joshua every day. I felt bad for her when she told me that. It must be hard to live across the world from your brother. I told her I had to go because the boys would be back soon. I also asked her if I could FaceTime her tomorrow at the same time. Thankfully, she said that'd be cool. I would've died of embarrassment if she didn't say yes.

The facetimes continued for the rest of the week at lunch time. It was hard to lie to the members about not being hungry, but if I got to talk to Jasmine, it was worth it. It was even harder to be stealthy around Joshua and pretend like the last time I talked to his sister was that one day we stole his phone. We were currently gathered in a room, having a mini meeting.

"So... Pledis gave me a little surprise message today. We're going to a new place for the tour. It's someone's hometown... It's Joshua's hometown!" Seungcheol told us. Joshua stood up excitedly and said, "We're going to LA?!" S. Coups nodded and we all cheered. I'm sure we all had our different reasons for being excited, but mine was probably very similar to Joshua's reason. I was going to see Jasmine in person and I couldn't wait. "Pack your bags because we're leaving tomorrow!" Seungcheol finished off. I went to my room and happily packed my stuff.

"Flight to Los Angeles, California is now boarding." The intercom at the airport said. We all got up and went into the plane. I sat next to Seungkwan and he was singing about how happy he was. I laughed and put my headphones in and listened to music. All I could think about was how excited I was to be going to LA. Soon after putting my headphones in, I drifted off to sleep.

WOOO ANOTHA CHAPTA!! Hope you guys enjoy this one!! I'll try to update as often as I can!! Feedback is also greatly appreciated:)) thank you!

• march 12, 2017 •

Joshua's Little Sister | Hansol Vernon ChweWhere stories live. Discover now