You're So Creepy

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A/N: I got a lot of ruckus for me to do this so I'm doing it! I'm happy you guys like the idea!


Third person POV:

This is a story. It's a small story, really. It's about a highschool, three goths, three regulars, a chase, some heartbreak, and some love. I feel that, well, this quite the interesting story. A story of six boys.

One boy with chocolate colored eyes, auburn hair that looked the color of eroded metals. It's quite the gallant color really. His world was black and dark all around. Black is such a... Deathly color. His name is Michael.

The second boy with bright blue eyes that looked of the sea reflecting off the cobalt blue sky, his hair a sandy blonde color which seemed to brighten his appearance, but only slightly. His world was red. A passionate, blood filled world that may disturb you. His name is Ryan.

The third boy has dark, dark brown eyes; it's almost as if they are black themselves; and his hair the color of the darkest thing you could think of. His world was grey. There was barely any color at all. In his eyes, the world was bland and tasteless. His name is Geoff.

The fourth boy who's hair was a feathery ginger color, his eyes sparkling like the sea at night, the stars looking down upon it. His world was yellow. A world that in his eyes was bright and happy. His name is Jack.

The fifth boy who's hair was a murky mud color, who's eyes were soft like melting milk chocolate. His world was not one color, but all the colors. He is realistic but also funny and optimistic. His name is Ray.

The sixth and final boy who's hair was a light Carmel color and looked a jumble of mess, who's eyes were an Emerald green. His world was green, like his eyes. He was bubbly and happy and loved to smile. His name is Gavin.

Though these boys may seem like a rag-tag group of odd highschool teens, they are, and I assure you, the most interesting ones I've seen in all my days.

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