Dragon heart

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"We have to protect her it isn't safe here," a young women whispered to a man about her age. Her

sapphire eyes glistened in the moon light. She was not focused. She looked around as if someone was watching her. Slowly a baby started to unravel from her arms. The baby looked like she may have been 2 years old. The fuzz that was on her head was orange yet a little strip of hair that hung down farther than the rest of her hair was a deep red. The young women who had shiny straight black hair also had a bright red streak in her hair. The baby had the young mans deep brown eyes but also had the young women's features such as her tiny nose and long skinny lips. As they continued to walk down the narrow side walk the cute baby grabbed the young women's fingers. They both giggled. Then something rustled in the bushes. "We have to get moving," the young man said. "Okay I'll take her to earth, to her aunt where it's safe," the young women said. The women stepped into a portal and came out in Japan. When she got there she went to a small shack. The shack burned down and the young women died. The babies aunt found her and they both lived happily ever after. The End. That girls life is kind of like mine I would always say. Mom not with her. In Japan with her aunt. But my moms not dead. Aunty Carol said she could not handle me. That's it. There is nothing more to my life. That's what I tell everyone. Well, at least me. Every night I tell myself. I tell myself what my Aunt tells me. Your mom loved you, you need to understand that, but sometimes I don't understand. I have questions that never get answered such as if my mother loved me why won't she come visit. Why do I not know what happened to me before I was 2. My Aunt says no one can remember when they're 2. I have crazy dreams every night about that book. The young woman's name is Diamond. The young mans name is Keith. The babies name is Molly. Just like me. The young women does not step through the portal, she turns into a dragon and flies to Japan. This feeling always occurs and I feel like I had a life before this. I want to find my mom. I dream of meeting her. I have never seen pictures because my aunt says she does not have any. I know my moms name was Diamond for the most part. I hope that someday my mother comes back for me. I want to feel her warm hand wipe the coldness out of mine. I want to feel a mothers wet kisses all around my face. "Time to come down stairs," I heard Aunty Carol scream. I slowly walked out of my orange room and pretty much fell down the stairs. I was obviously tired. "Today's your birthday," Aunty Carol said jiggling with excitement. "So what do you want," she asked. "My mom," I mumbled. I guess she heard me because she said "you know I can't do that." I just stared at her with wide eyes. It is October Saturday the 14 and it's my birthday. I started to just slowly eat my blueberry pancakes. All of a sudden Aunty Carol started to sob. "What's wrong," I said softly. "What's wrong," I shouted once again. She still didn't answer. Tears started to dribble down my face. Kira my younger cousin (Aunty Carols daughter) was staring at Aunty Carol. Danny my older brother was staring at me. Cling my fork dropped onto the plate and I started to stomp up the stairs. "She's turning 12 don't worry Aunty C she's probably going through an I hate the world stage," Danny said just loud enough for me to hear. Now I wasn't stomping up the stairs I was running. Once I got into my bright orange room (which didn't feel so bright anymore,) I sobbed into my clean white pillow. Words spun through my head. "You don't belong here," a popular girl named Rachel teased. "Heck you don't even know who your mother is. "Your mother loved you she just could not handle you at the time," Aunty Carol said in a loving voice. "I'm not normal I say to myself, but that won't stop me..."

Please like my book made it up myself!!!!!!!!😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜 please read on!

"Danny," I shout down the stairs. "What is it baby," he says in his own amusement. "Shut up," I scream. I just here him laugh. "Your in 6th grade and you were sobbing on your little pillow what a pity," he says in a baby voice. "Do you know anything about portals," I ask. "Of course I do," he answers in a proud voice. I can't believe I'm even thinking about going to the land in the book. I slide/run down the stairs. "Start your teaching," I say with a grin. "I need the computer but today Aunty Carol took it away from me," he explained. "Okay," I said slowly walking up the stairs. Aunty Carol was sitting on my bed. I slowly peeked through the door so she could not see me. "What am I going to do she has to find out someday," she whispered to herself. At that moment I knew what I had to do...

Keep reading!!!!😃😃😃😃😃😝😝😝😝😜😜😜😜😍😍😍😍😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 How did u like chapter one comment

Chapter two wait for nothing

I stayed outside listening to her sobs with guilt weighing me down. This was possibly the worst birthday ever. After slamming my head against the wall about a million times. I just sat there and waited. I was not waiting for anything not for tomorrow not for a million years I just sat and stared blankly at the other wall. I was thinking. Thinking what led up to my life. Was I made in this world with a lie. I just kept wondering until I couldn't wonder any more. My only choice was to wait the day out and hope Danny will find away to get me out of this world and find a piece of me. Find my mother. I am broken until I can find her. I know Aunty Carol knows something more than I do and I need to know it my mother and my father. All I can do is wait for nothing

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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