Imagine keaton stromberg- Sing star

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Imagine  you and Keats were playing sing star at his house went he kissed you out of the blue.
Keats: babe want to play sing star with me ?
You: yeah sure babe I  will be u babe, at this game.
Keats: no you want babe
You: will too babe
Keats: if I win I get to kiss you, but if you win you get to do want ever you want to babe .
You: What anything I want to babe.
Keats: yes babe
You: Keats your on babe
So you and Keats were playing sing star on the play station 3 when You beat Keats at first but you played it eight times because, you wanted to make sure that you can get this again and again.  But it turned out that Keats won all the other ones so he kissed you.
Keaton's pov: fuck I can't believe that my princess beat me at the first around in the game, but I won the other arounds so I had to kiss her.
So I kissed my girlfriend really deep and it was always the best kiss ever from her damn .
Keats: I love you ❤❤❤
You: I love you too babe ❤❤❤
Your pov: So I can't believe that I have won the first around in the game that I was playing with Keats, damn he is so amazing as fuck.
I love Keats so much .
What Keats thinks about your singing 🎤 on sing star on the play station 3.
Omg I ❤️ my princess singing so much, I think she should go on  Xfactor 
Since she was that really good as fuck.
Keats: babe you should go on X Factor
You: Really now babe
Keats: yes really babe
You: ok babe I will just for you babe
Keats: love you princess
You: love you Prince Charming

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