Which Elijah?

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             My heart races and I breathe heavy under the black cloth that blinds me in darkness. I wouldn't survive this. My heart would give out and my knees would crash. I shiver, Elijah I only knew one Elijah and that was my father. The psychotic killer. Trial for murder of women landed him in jail for life. There was no way they were going to give him parole. At least I hope not.

I feel my chest tighten and the van I was in the back of comes to a halt. I shudder. It couldn't be him and why would Nolan do that? Send me to a lunatic who doesn't care if I get crushed flat by a train. The doors open and cold air floods through make my bare legs perk up and fill with goosebumps. It was out of fear and the cold.

"Come on" I'm pulled out by the string that ties my hands together. I stumble a bit at first trying to fight and run but it was no use. My body was weak from the drug they previously used on me and they were much stronger. They meaning the men who I can't see at the moment. My senses go bezerk and I want my sight back.

"Get her inside and make sure she stays in there." I'm pushed up a few steps and shoved into a warmer surrounding area. I shudder. If this wasn't a jail cell then this was definitely a different Elijah.

The bag is removed from my head and the lights blind me as I close my eyes trying to blink away the annoying dark spots. I turn around to face my captors and see that I don't know any of them. One is tall with tattoos and white hair and the other average height with brown hair and lots of piercings. I scowl was this a gang. Then I see Nolan and I scowl.

"Why you little!" I charge but I'm pulled back by the string tied around my hands.
"Let me go!" I scream but he doesn't move to help me or rather just helps to tame me down.
"Take her up to a room and lock her in. Elijah won't be back for a few days and won't he be surprised." I scowl as Nolan listens to the tall tattooed guy. He grabs my arm and pushes me up the stairs. My heart beats heavily. A few days? Was I going to be locked in an ugly scary attic while I await my sudden and painful death?

When we make it up the stairs and through the hallway to a door my eyebrows flex, as I stare there confused. It was a normal looking door. Normal as in beautiful white. No dungeon vibe about it. He reaches over and opens the door. I try to run but I'm shoved in my heel cracking and I fall to the ground. The dark surrounds me, except for the tiny sliver coming from the edged open door. He shuts it in a matter of seconds.

I stand hesitantly my heart pounding heavily. I reach for the light switch as I find the wall under my touch, where could it be. I feel it under my fingers and press it up happily. Light fills the room and my eyes take a moment to adjust.

I look around at the big bedroom in front of me. It was beautiful with a white bed in the middle and a creame carpet. Why kidnap me to put me in such a nice room? Was this their first time kidnapping or something? I scowl but then realize I shouldn't be talking because at any minute I could be removed from the luxury of the room and brought to a real torture dungeon where I would have to eat rats and survive on small fires in the corner of the room.

I would be so thirsty all the time.

I scowl turning my head around to look for a window but the only window I find is barred up shut. My heart drops and I shake off my broken heels. This was no use. I plop down on the bed my heart hammering into my ears.

I just wanted to go home and be surprised like oh hey we kidnapped you but it was only a prank or something. Wouldn't Callie notice? My mind wanders to Callie and I shoot up.
What if Bryan was apart of this wicked scheme? Then she would never know or worse he would kidnap her and bring her head to suffer the same fate. My throats lodges. I didn't want to die. And I know Callie definitely doesn't want too.

I bring my knees under my chin and curl up into a ball on the fluffy white bed. I was tired and if there was a bed I might as well sleep.
My eyes begin to feel heavy and I yawn covering myself up on the white cover. Why white? Was it symbolic or was the store out of any other color? I frown to myself. I was too calm for this. Maybe I'm in shock. Shock can wait. I close my eyes and wait as my mind wanders until the sleep takes over.


A banging noise awakes me up as I shoot out of the cover and listen. It continues. Someone was knocking on the door.
"It's breakfast time, I'm opening the door" I watch as Nolan opens the door and drops the tray on the nightstand next to the door. I scowl, no gruel or nasty cheese sandwiches. I look down at what I got. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, and orange juice.

I watch desperately as the door shuts again and grab my food sitting down on the floor with the tray in my lap. I stare hungrily and poor syrup all over the mini pancakes. Indulge time !

4 hours later

"It's lunch time, I'm opening the door" I wait again as the food is delivered. How long had it been that it could be lunch?

7 hours later

"It's dinner time, I'm opening the door" I sigh laying on my back on the floor. He didn't have to say it every time he was giving me food. I close my eyes and wait for the sound of the door shutting.

2 days later...

I open my eyes as the food plops on the table. The same as 2 days ago. The bacon, eggs, pancakes and oh yeah orange juice. Didn't they own cereal? I grab the cover and pull it over my head.

This Elijah guy was taking way too long and I just wanted to die already so I wouldn't have to lay here asleep all day. How many days has it been? Where there missing signs out for me? Did Callie know I was gone? Did she miss me?

I close my eyes again. Maybe this time he'll come and end this.
Ugh I hated the fact that I grew up in this kind of weird violence. It was always so horrible having to watch him kill and torture. Sometimes it was pregnant women. My mind reveals the image and I shake my head trying to get it out.

This is what happens when I'm alone or not doing anything. I end up thinking too hard and those memories I keep at bay come flushing through like a bad hernia. I shoot up unable to sleep anymore and make my way to the food. Why did they give me a small coffee straw. My mind clicks as I take it out of the orange juice and come closer to the door.

I wasn't the champion of picking locks but I was definitely decent. I sit down in front of the door knob and stick it in there listening and watching every move. My legs get stiff and I become frustrated. It was worth a shot. I go down to the floor the straw in hand and after what maybe ten minutes regain position and continue.

Maybe thirty minutes later I hear the click. The click! I feel the urge to scream but I shut my mouth opening the door hesitantly. What if there was a guard watching the door? I hadn't really thought through this part yet. I look out the door and turn my head to check both ways. No there was no one. I get up and go out running around the hallway.

I internally squeak in joy when I see the stairs. I make my way for it.
"Hey get her!" Oh no. I run flying down the steps as I hear what sounds like hundreds of feet chasing me.
I look both ways unsure where to turn. But when I make the choice to go right my chin hits something hard. I look up my heart racing and my knees numb.

But it wasn't my father. No it was someone completely different. My mouth waters at his perfect cheekbones, dark black hair and dark blue eyes. Who was he? He looked familiar. He looks down at me in anger and clear paranoia. I scowl well hello to you too gorgeous person.

Then it clicks. His dark hair and stubble. The dark eyes and his angry face, it couldn't be. It wasn't possible.

"Mathew?" I say my voice coming out small and fragile. But a cloth goes over my mouth and the smell is like bleach. My vision blurs out and I fall


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