Chapter One

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Hermione took a deep breath and entered the charms classroom with her three best friends. It was her first class of her final year at Hogwarts.

The majority of last year's seventh years had chosen to come back for an eighth year due to the fact that their supposed final year had been overrun by death eaters and a war.

Some of the students were forced to come back. It was either Hogwarts or Azkaban for them and no one in their right mind would choose to go to Azkaban. If there's an alternate choice, they take it.

"I'd still rather be in Auror training. Do you think it's too late to decide not to attend an eighth year?" Ron asked, looking bored already.

"I'm afraid so, Ron", Ginny laughed, patting him on the shoulder. He gave her an annoyed look which only caused her to laugh harder.

Since this was the first time Hogwarts has needed to include an eighth year, the staff hadn't accommodated for that and all eighth year students had to share classes with seventh years.

Hermione and Ginny took a seat at a table in the front with Harry and Ron sitting behind them.

"Why do we have to sit in the front? I'm sure you'll do just as well if we sit in the back", Ginny complained, "what if I'm tired and need a nap?"

"Well then perhaps you shouldn't stay up so late. And if you truly are exhausted, then perhaps you should go to Madam Pomfrey. She'll be sure to give you a potion that'll wake you up", Hermione responded with a playful smile fixed on her face.

Ginny just rolled her eyes and laughed at how Hermione will make up any excuse to be closer to learning.

Hermione heard loud laughter coming from the back and turned around just in time to see Parkinson laughing at something Malfoy said as they entered the room.

Parkinson's expression became bored as she sat next to Malfoy at a table in the very back.

"That could be us right now", Ginny said wistfully.

"What? Rich, pureblooded wizards that nearly destroyed the wizarding world? Not to mention they're Slytherin scum. No thanks", Ron said.

"No, I meant because of the table they're sitting at, you prat", Ginny said, snapping at her brother.

"Whatever", Ron mumbled and Harry patted him on his back, laughing at how his best friend truly hasn't changed after all these years.

"I hope you're not comfortable in those seats because I'll be changing them shortly", said Professor Flitwick as he came rushing into the classroom. The room became full of confused mumbles and whispers among the students.

As soon as he was in the front of the room and atop his pile of books, he cleared his throat.

"I will be pairing you all up with someone who is not in your house. So therefore the majority of you will have to make new seating arrangements according to who you will be paired with. Where it is that you sit, I couldn't care less. But due to the fact that the wizarding world is trying to unite together, I thought it would be good to do some uniting here since Slytherins and Gryffindors don't historically get along". He chuckled at that last part but he was the only one.

Professor Flitwick cleared his throat once more and unrolled a long sheet of parchment, which Hermione predicted to be the new seating arrangement. She was right as per usual.

"I will list the names of Gryffindors first and then say their Slytherin counterparts", Professor Flitwick continued and he began reading from the list.

"Parvati Patil and Millicent Bulstrode". Hermione looked over at poor Parvati as she stood up and nervously walked over to where Bulstrode sat, smirking.

"Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley and Blaise Zabini, Seamus Finnegan and Gregory Goyle, Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley and Theodore Nott, Dean Thomas and Daphne Greengrass, Neville Longbottom and Tracey Davis-". He continued listing more pairings but Hermione stopped listening as she looked back at Parkinson and received a trademark Slytherin smirk and malicious wave of the hand.

Hermione gulped nervously and snapped back to attention once Flitwick announced for everyone to move seats according to whom they're assigned to sit with. She looked over at Parvati once again. Parvati was seated as far away from Bulstrode as possible with an obvious look of fear and discomfort on her face.

Hermione sighed and stood up. It was obvious that Parkinson wasn't going to move to Hermione so she took the liberty of travelling to the back of the room herself.

With Hermione's seat empty at the front, Zabini quickly took it over so he could be next to Ginny.

Hermione looked over at Ginny apologetically and found the redhead looking at her too. Ginny's eyes seemed to be asking for help and Hermione hoped hers said the same.

She sat to the right of Parkinson and began to set up her side of the desk with everything she'd need for class.

Hermione knew she couldn't ignore the Slytherin girl forever and faced her. "I know Slytherins and Gryffindors have had their differences in the past but I hope that after everything that's happened, we can make a truce? We don't need to be friends or anything but it would be nice to at least be on somewhat good terms", she said and stuck out her hand for Parkinson to shake.

Parkinson let out a high-pitched laugh that Hermione knew meant that she wasn't going to shake her hand. The brunette slowly lowered her hand and started to re-straighten everything on her desk, ignoring the blush of embarrassment that was creeping its way onto her face.

Once Parkinson had finally stopped laughing at Hermione's poor attempt at a truce with a Slytherin, she spoke up, talking through giggles that hadn't fully subsided.

"Look, Granger, I appreciate the effort, I really do. But honestly Slytherins and Gryffindors don't mix. Even as something as simple as a truce. But nice try anyway", she said, still in a fit of giggles.

Hermione glared at Parkinson and began writing down what was now written on the chalkboard at the front of the room. Why must Slytherins always be such annoying prats? She thought angrily.

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