Chapter 16: Unfortunate Surprises

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Scorpius POV

I feel like Flare. My nose has been buried in every book, newspaper article, or anything that could potentially give me information on the new dark lord, but I've found nothing. After a month of this, I've officially given up. Nothing has come out in the Daily Prophet, so I'm assuming Mrs. Potter was able to withhold the story, but the guilt is starting to eat at me. I've never kept a secret from Al or Flare before. I've always told them everything and keeping this from them was difficult. I had promised myself I wouldn't tell them anything unless I was certain of what the problem was, otherwise they'd worry too much.

"Guys I'm bored!" Flare groans into my pillow, rolling over and staring up at me with her crystal blue eyes.

Al, Flare and I have been sitting inside all day with nothing to do. Lily was visiting Lysander. James was, of course, was with Alice. Molly, Lucy, Dominique, and Louis have gone home for the summer (no complaints there), Roxanne and Fred are at the shop, and Hugo is far to busy playing himself in wizard chess to do anything. Leaving me, Al and Flare to chill up in the room I share with Al.

"Me too." Al agrees, flipping over onto his side. "Let's do something."

"Like what?" Flare pouts. "Everyone is busy!"

My eyes subconsciously focus on her lips, and I have to force my gaze away from Flare's pouted lip and instead look at the stack of books I have piled high in the corner. I bite my own lip guiltily.

"Actually guys I've got something I want to discuss with you a lot."

I was terrible at hiding anything from them. Well except my feelings for Flare, but that was completely different. Besides if I wanted to dig up information, I was going to need Flare and Al's help.

Flare and Al turn their attention to me and I inhale nervously.

"Remember last month when we had that bonfire?" They nod, signaling that they remembered. "Well after you two left I kind of ditched the group and overheard something that I should have."

Flare inhales sharply and avoids my curious glance.

"What you hear mate?" Al presses.

"I was going to go to the garden, but I kind of ended up outside the kitchen window."

Flare lets out a deep breath, and I glance at her to see her looking rather relieved, but I push all thoughts of Flare out of my mind (which is not an easy thing to do mind you) and carry on.

"I overheard something that your parents were talking about."

Flare perks up and leans in closer to me. Close enough that I can smell her vanilla perfume. I scoot my head away from her a tad bit. I was trying to tell a story here, and Flare's perfume was not helping me. I loved the smell of her perfume, but it made my brain go all fuzzy whenever I got the pleasure of smelling it.

I tell them all I heard. Describing Mr. Weasley's worried yells. Ginny's job of stopping the story and how they've been working for months to solve the case. I finish and wait for them to yell at me for keeping secrets. I don't have to wait long before Flare punches me in the arm. Hard.

"Oi!" I shouted, rubbing the spot on my arm where she hit me so hard I'm sure a bruise was going to form. "That hurt!"

"You git! I've been going crazy over here because everyone is being so sneaky and here you are with all the answers and you don't care to tell me!" Flare shrieks, her hair going wild around her and her eyes shining with anger.

She was so hot when she was mad.

"Maybe Scorp had a good reason." Al defends.

"Thank you!" I say, gesturing towards my best mate.

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