Chapter 6

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Chloe's POV.

Eating pizza with my 'so called boss' a.k.a Christopher, was...... I don't know, I think it was below average or maybe it was fine. But seriously after he said that I didn't like him but I loved him, I was totally caught off guard. I mean I know he was telling lies but still it felt a little true, and I have no idea why after he said that I completely lost my appetite and my heart started racing, and it was beating at an impossible speed. I felt that I was blushing and I looked down, this is so awkward, come on Chloe it's not like he just confessed to you! Get it together!

I heard a deep chuckle and I looked up to see Christopher grinning and laughing, I had never seen him grin before, he would always smile or give that sly smirk of his or a flirtatious wink, but this time he was really laughing, he looked even more handsome when he was laughing.

I didn't realize I was staring at him until he stopped laughing and was staring right back at me, again I blushed, I could feel the pink color rising and my face reddening. I quickly looked down again and mentally slapped myself, stupid hormones, I feel like I'm back being a teenager!

"You look cute when you blush" he said, again caught me off guard. "Can we leave, it's almost  2" I said and he smiled but it was wry. "I like it that your still the same you just never wanna be late, just how you were" he said and got up. I thought about the bill and then remembered that he already paid it. We again entered his Lamborghini in silence. I looked up in the sky and it looked like it was about to rain. Great! Now how am I supposed to go home, I didn't bring an umbrella, and I don't have enough money for taxi, I guess I just have to go by foot. Awesome! Just great!

We entered his office and were back to work. Christopher gave me more work, and I started doing it, I was again engulfed with all the work. I fell like right now that song should be played, work by Rihanna! I mean this is the time to play it and not in a club and not in a bar or in a strip club, it should be played while actually doing the real work so that the people would know how much work they have. Work work work work work work!

After a lot of 'work', I didn't even realize again it was 9 and the rain still continued, I really should do the rain check tomorrow so that I can bring my umbrella, speaking of tomorrow when does my shift finish. Man! My butt is really killing me by sitting  in that chair for so long. I really had to get up of this chair, I got up from the chair and Christopher glanced at me but again continued to work on his laptop, I stretched my back and my hands a bit. I decided on asking him, "umm Christopher when does my shift end?".  "When I finish only then will your shift end" he said and my mouth dropped, great now I'm stuck here!. Well at least the rain would stop until then.

I wandered around the room, checking out everything, then I felt his eyes on me, my back stiffened. I looked back and he was actually staring at me. I decided to just go back to my seat, but still he watched me liked hawk. I cleared my throat, "you know that staring is rude right?" I asked and he looked back at his laptop. "Oh yeah Chloe, cause I've caught you staring at me so many times, it's hard to count" he said, and looked up, he had his flirtatious smirk plastered over his face. "I don't stare at you!" I said and glared at him. "Not too convincing, cause I have caught you staring at me many times in high school and even today" he said and closed his laptop. "I just stared cause I hated you" I said and it was the truth. I got up from my chair and gathered all my stuff. "Hate is a strong word,  but you're right I was a jerk back then" he said and my eyes widened, what did he just say? Did he just accept it?. I came closer to him and place the back of my hand on his forehead. "Are you alright? You don't look like you have a fever but still is there a doctor? I don't think your yourself right now we should take you to a doc-" I was cut by his lips which landed on my lips. My eyes widened, what was I doing? But I don't know why I liked it, I put my hands on his neck and pulled him closer.

I closed my eyes and he opened my mouth with his tongue and he entered my mouth. My fingers started playing with his hair. I could feel him, his hand were on my waist, his grip was tight and he kissing me so sensually that maybe I would melt. I broke the kiss and we both were breathing hard. His hot breath was fanning over my cheeks, and I was blushing furiously. What did we just do?!!!

But even if you didn't want it Chloe, you have to admit that you liked it.


Sup guys!

So sorry for the late update and I hope you like this update! I am receiving many good comments and update requests that I really couldn't make you all wait!

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Lots of love

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