The babysitter

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There was a young girl who was in need of a job. She was able to find work as a babysitter for a couple who lived in a large, isolated, old house. They were going out to see a movie that night and left the teenage baby-sitter in charge of their three young children.

The babysitter put the children to bed when it was late and went back downstairs to  watch some TV.  She was just getting comfortable when she heard the phone ringing. When she answered it, she heard heavy breathing and a man's voice saying, "Have you checked on the children?"

Freaked out, she hung up the phone trying to convince herself that it was just someone playing a joke in her. She went back to watching TV but about 15 minutes later the phone rang again. She picked it up and heard a hysterical laughter. Then, the same voice asked, "Why haven't you checked on the children?"

The babysitter slammed down the phone. The poor girl was frightened and immediately called the police. The operator at the police station told her that if the man called again, she should try to keep him talking. That would give the police time to trace the call. A few minutes later, the phone rang a third time and when the babysitter answered she heard the heavy breathing again. The voice on the line said, "You should really check on the children."

The babysitter listened to him laughing hysterically for a long time. She hung up the phone again and almost immediately it rang again. This time it was the operator from the police station who yelled, "Get out of the house right now! The calls are coming from the upstairs phone!"

The babysitter dropped the phone in shock and suddenly she heard heavy footsteps walking down the stairs. Without second thought, she ran out of the house as fast as her legs would carry her. Just as she closed the front door behind her, a man's hand slammed against the glass. She screamed and ran out into the street just as a police car was pulling up outside.

The police searched the house and found the two children upstairs, hiding in a closet, crying uncontrollably. In the parents' bedroom, they found a bloody axe lying on the floor next to the upstairs phone. The back window was wide open and the curtains were blowing in the breeze. There was no sign of the madman who had made the phonecalls. He had escaped into the night when the police arrived and managed to interrupt his horrible plan to kill the two children and the babysitter.

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