My Name

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Kai turned off the engine and stepped inside the restaurant that face jeongyeon's house , he sat on a table where he can see the house clearly

He ordered coffee and his eyes didn't left the house , like he is expecting momo to come out until he overheard two women talking

"ya yesterday my son saw two vans in front of their house and some guys beat the guy i really don't like them"

Kai looked at the two women in shock as they continued talking and he was worried about momo , he got up and was about to go to their house when Soojung called

"Kai" she said and cried

"Why are you crying?" he asked concernedly

"I fought with seunghyun and he beat me"

Kai closed his eyes and sighed "Coming" he said and hoped in the car

He drove off to her house , as soon she opened the door he found her between his arms hugging him tightly while crying

He froze for few seconds and slowly he patted her back and caressed her hair

"Shhhh ! it's okay " he said and made her look at him , there was a bruise under eye and , he frowned and accompanied her inside the house

They sat on the couch and she calmed a bit

"what happened?" kai said staring at her face

"yesterday he came and he was obviously mad , and I just" she stopped and cried "I was just asking him what's wrong and how was his day but he yelled at me asking me to 'shut up' , I got mad and told him not to say it again to me and he beat me and left"

Kai frowned while looking at her face "and why you didn't call me right away?"

"I don't know I was shocked and I didn't want to see anyone but when I woke up and saw the bruise I couldn't believe my eyes and you were the only one I thought of "

He yelped and looked at her swollen eyes "it's okay" he caressed her cheek and wiped her tear with his thumb .. slowly he leaned in and kissed it

She yelped and looked at his eyes

"rest now I will go and buy you food" he said and was about to get up but he held his hand

"Stay with me" she said

He looked at her and yelped as he saw her eyes getting teary again , he nodded and sat next to her not letting her hand nor stop staring at her face she slowly rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes as she felt safe between his arm , the thing that she won't feel it with seunghyun anymore

Cho's company

"I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYONE!" he yelled at his secretary she bowed and left while he was sitting behind his desk frowning in anger


After he sat in the van he was clenching his fist and staring down

"weren't we so harsh hyung?" tao asked

"shut up tao" jiwon replied

"he used to be our friend!!" tao yelled

"you said it he USED ! "seunghyun said while looking at tao "park on the right leave us alone!" he ordered the driver and the latter bowed obediently

"Hyung did you saw her face ? and how she was shaking while looking at us?" tao asked

"We saw her like this before" jiwon added

Momo's Case [Jeongmo | Michaeng]Where stories live. Discover now