Chapter 8

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Harry POV:

I hear Zayn's phone ringing from upstairs. It has been ringing nonstop but Zayn is a heavy sleeper so no surprise that he hasn't woken up yet.

I sigh and get up from the couch. I'm watching Spongebob but of course my good time has to be cut or come to an end.

I walk upstairs into our room to see Zayn sleeping on the bed like a dead body while the phong is still ringing.

I march to Zayn's sleeping body. "Zayn. " I call while shaking his shoulder.

He makes no move to wake up so I shake him again. "Zayn , your phone is ringing. " I call louder this time.

"Hmm. " He hums and turns around without opening his eyes.

"Come on , Zayn! I'm getting a headache. " I huff and roll my eyes.

He groans and finally opens his eyes. He rubs them and looks at me with a frown.

"What? " He groans and turns back around.

"Your phone has been ringing since I woke up. " I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. " He snaps. How the fuck did he know? I mean his back is facing me.

His phone starts ringing again so with a sigh he sits up in bed and grabs it.

He looks at the screen then back at me.

"Did you make breakfast? " He asks with a bored expression.

I shake my head and shift a little on my feet. "What the fuck are you waiting for then? Huh? " He snaps. causing me to jump in fear and surprise.

I walk out of the room quickly and run downstairs to make him breakfast as soon as possible. I don't want to anger him anymore and I'm damn sure don't want to have a sore body.

I hear footsteps coming downstairs as I'm putting the food in two plates. I flinch when I feel arms wrap around my waist.

Zayn buries his face into my neck and inhales deeply. "Morning babe. " He hums.

"It's noon actually but whatever. " I shrug and turn around to place the plates on the table but Zayn holds me in place.

"Are you going to give me the silent treatment for too long? " He sighs and his gaze turns down.

I look at him blankly till his gaze turns back to me. "I need to put the plates on the table. "

Zayn sighs again and eventually backs off me. I walk to the table and place the plates there. I sit down and start to eat without making the move to look or talk to him.

I felt a scarred hand touch mine. I look up to see Zayn looking at me while his hand is on top of mine rubbing it.

"I'm sorry. " He mumbles biting his bottom lip.

I place the spoon in the plate and face him fully.

"For what? " I ask with a blank face.

He sighs and stands up. He walks to me and helps me up as well. He sits in my chair and takes me in his lap.

"For everything. " He admits. I keep looking at him without saying anything.

"Zayn? " I call looking in his eyes.

He grabs my hand and kisses every knuckle. "Yes , mon amor? "

"I wanna watch Moana , can we do that? "

He chuckles probably not expecting that. "You're fucking adorable. "

We are sitting on the couch in front of the TV watching the movie. Well , I'm watching the movie. I look beside me to see Zayn texting on his phone with a smile.

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