Chapter Five

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It was late Sunday evening before David brought Jennifer to get her car. He was upset because she wouldn't let him come back after his shift.

"It won't be that late," he complained as they drove into the parking lot.

"I've got to go to work and need to get some rest. Maybe on your next day off, you can come stay," she said trying to smooth his feelings.

"That won't be till Thursday," he stated.

"Thursday's out. I've already got a date."

"With who?" he asked fiercely taking hold of her arm.

"None of your business. It's not like we've started a relationship."

"What do you call the last two days?"

"An adventure in sexual pleasure. It doesn't mean I'm giving up everyone else. Hell, I'm not even divorced yet."

"Jennifer," he begged.

"Please don't start or I won't see you again."

"Well when can I see you?"

"Not until next week, I'm afraid. I've got a date Thursday, dinner with the family Friday and a concert on Saturday."

"Sunday then," he said eagerly. "I'll come by early and we can spend the day together."

"Not too early," she said with a smile. "I'll call you sometime this week."

She kissed him and left his car. The spare keys were in her hand as he drove off. She unlocked the door and reached under the seat for her full set of keys. The wrapped in a note which read: 'Call me Monday so we can set up everything for Thursday.'

He included his card which had his office number and a closing that made her smile. She still couldn't understand why she wanted the physical attentions of David while emotionally attracted to Duncan. As she drove home, she realized it wasn't just David she hungered for but men of all kinds. How would she ever be able to control these urges? What would Duncan think of her if he knew?

The rest of the evening seemed to drag by as Jennifer wandered aimlessly around the house. It was eight o'clock when she decided to soak in a hot tub. She retreated to her bathroom. Slowly she began to undress under the watchful eyes of her unseen observer. He crouched low on the limb outside her window as she slid off her pants. His hunger started to grow as each button was carefully opened. The cotton blouse fell off her shoulders and floated to the floor. Slipping a finger under each bra strap she slipped her arms out. A quick pinch opened the hooks and a firm brush of her hand sent the lace brassiere to her feet. A charge flowed through him as he saw her cup each breast in her hands, lift and caress them sensually.

He dropped from the tree after she sauntered from the room and out of sight. The pain of his desire was exquisite. He wanted her so much, he could imagine the way she would taste. Oh to draw on her energies, to unite his body with hers and know she would survive. At least she would survive the first time. This carried him through the shadows to her door.

Again, a quick flick opened the French doors. The noise was drowned out by the running water. Silently, he made his way across the darkened living room to the base of the stairs. This was where he had been caught the last time he dared enter her home while she was awake. He heard her humming as the faucet was turned off. The stairs were cautiously climbed as he listened to her every movement. There was the barely audible sound of water moving as she washed. Moisture glowed in the scattering light as steam escaped the small opening in the bathroom door. He turned off the bedroom light to provide more cover as he positioned himself just outside the bathroom door. Hiding to the right of the door, he used his foot to push the door farther open. Jennifer sunk down under the swirling warmth with her eyes closed as he stepped into the doorway.

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