What if
The world accepted that they were
b e a u t i f u l
Just the way they were?
What if
n o b o d y
would judge you from your looks?
What if there were
n o e x p e c t a t i o n s
From society?
And what if
There was a perfect world.
Like this.
It sounds beautiful. Wonderful. Amazing.
(like you.)But
It can't exist.
Sad, right?
But wait. Just listen.
Think: where comes the
f r e e d o m
to choose?
If we were this perfect society,
Would we really be happy?
Without this freedom we have now?
We don't live in this world.
There is no possibility of this world.
Where everyone thinks that everyone is beautiful.
And they themselves believe that they are beautiful.
(as they are. Everyone is beautiful.)But we do have the choice
To be a little kinder.
Stand up a little taller.
And be, in the end
a little
S t r o n g e r
Poesia"Sometimes the short poems are the hardest to write. Change one word and and the whole poem avocados."