I am going to put a picture up of what Chris gets changed into. Just look at the clothes the picture is terrible. -----------------------------
Sam's pov
I wanted to scream but then those 'eyes' would be trained on me. I have to save Chris and Cali though. I have to do somthing.
So I run up like used to do. Sceaming his name and jumping into a bear hug. For a split second I know I saw his hazel eyes come back but as soon as they came they were gone again. As if he and somthing else has been fighting for control...... control of his own body.
He pushed me away with so much force it just helped prove my theory. That had to wait just now though I had to save them.
With out a thought against it I jumped on his back and covered his eyes with my hands. Steering him away from the doors.
"Andy get through those doors warn them and get them out out I'll deal with the rest." I screamed all in one breath.
Once I finshed he ran in. I heard muttering while I was still trying to keep Callum still. The window smashed and every one jumped out and ran for the car.
If only some one stayed to help me.
Cali's pov
Once we get our breath back I get some clean clothes for Chris. I knew they would come in handy.
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Clothes Chris is going to be wearing.
Once she is changed we come up with a plan.
"We need to help her." Chris croaks.
"You can't exactly help her, can you." Andy argues. They have been arguing for what feels like hours but is probally only been for about five minutes but either way I've had enough.
"WILL YOU TWO PLEASE STOP ARGUING LIKE A BUNCH OF NURSERY KIDS AND HELP ME FIGURE OUT A PLAN TO SAVE MY SISTER." I yell at them. As I was getting close to the end of the sentence my voice cracked causing me to break out into tears. Chris shoots Andy a look and looks like she is trying to say something that will comfort me.
"Don't even bother I will be alright once we find and save them both." I say. I know everyone wants to find them I mean, me and Sam are twins, Andy and Callum are triplets, but their brother Rodger died a couple years after they were born in a car accident, and Chris had always been the one who was like another member of family who kept us from killing each another.(Cali, Andy, Sam and Callum are not related)
After a while we have came up with a plan. The plan is that -Andy will go inside and see if he can get Callum to fight what ever is possesing him. -Chris will go in with Andy with back up in case Callum tries to attack him. -And I will go in and get Sam and then me and her will both go and help them.
Hopefully this plan works. I don't know what I would do if it didn't.