Chapter 2 Part 1

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This is how I picture Izabel but y'all can picture her however you want.
(Izabel's Point of View)
    I woke up at my usual time of 4:30am. I got about two hours that night from waking up so many times. I got up and took a long hot shower and then turned it to cold so it would wake me up. Once I got out, I wrapped a towel around me and blow dried my hair. I then put my hair in a towel as well then walked over to my sink and brushed, flossed, and mouth washed before sitting down at my vanity to start getting ready for the day.
    I turned on my music and plugged in my straightener. I then proceeded to take inventory on what I had in my vanity. I hadn't used make up in a few years, well, except for the camo face paint we had to use if that even counts. I put on concealer, foundation, a little bit of eyeshadow, and some mascara before calling it a day.
    After I finished my makeup I straightened my hair. It took about 45 minutes considering how much hair I have.
    I then picked out my outfit for the day. I decided on wearing a pair of jean shorts I found, and one of my many USMC camo tank tops. I didn't think to put on shoes-I mean come on, why would I? It's not like I'm leaving the house ad even if I do, I can just run up here and through on a pair of shoes.
    Anyways, by the time I was finished getting ready it was about 6am. I knew that no one would be up because no one gets up until at least 9am. Even the maids don't get up until 8, so basically I had the whole house to myself.
    I decided to journey to the kitchen and make breakfast for everyone because I was bored. Once I got there I started to make breakfast: blue pancakes (don't ask), bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, and biscuits.
    I had finished making everything by about 7am. I figured I should wait for everyone else to wake up before I eat. So since I had two hours to spare, I decided to go outside to the garden for the next few hours.

    ********2 Hours Later********
    I walked through the front door, coming inside from being in the garden for the past two hours, when I heard laughing and talking coming from the kitchen. When I walked in nobody noticed me standing there watching with amusement as they ate, talked, and argued.
    Over at the table, Blaire was scolding Derek because he kept stuffing his face full of pancakes and then trying to talk to her which would get pancakes all over her. Cameron acted as if he was going to give Jen a bite of his eggs but then he ate them himself which earned him a glare and a punch on the shoulder from her. While Beka was laughing her head off as Anthony was telling her multiple so-stupid-they-are-funny kinds of jokes.
    On the other side of the kitchen, David and Abby stood eating and discussing something in hushed tones. Abby looked as if she had been crying while David looked very angry and upset about something.
    I walked over to them when I heard David say, "-West Side is coming to get her within the next hour. I don't know how they know she's here but I guess they have people watching her whenever they can."
    "Whose 'West Side' and who are they coming to get?" I questioned curiously.
    Abby's head shot up quickly, "N-nothing honey." She stuttered nervously putting on a fake smile. I knew she was lying but decided not question it anymore because I could tell the topic upset her.
    "Oh okay," I said shrugging my shoulders. "So... how did you guys sleep?"
    "Pretty good. How about you?" David replied though still he wouldn't look at me.
    "Oh I slept great!" I answered plastering a fake smile upon my face. I figured they didn't need to know what I went through and where I was and that included my not sleeping issue. I figured it would just hurt them and make them feel sorry for me and that is exactly what I don't want to happen.
    "That's great!" Abby said energetically. Then, all of the sudden, her arms were around me and she was hugging me as if I would never see her again.
    "Hey Izzy!" Cameron shouted, swallowing his food. "Did you make this?"
    "Yes I did."
    "Well it tastes exquisite Iz!" Blaire called taking a bite of her bacon.
    "Thanks. It was nothing, really. I was happy to do it. Back at NYU, the kitchen in my dorm was tiny so I could never cook a big breakfast like this."
    "Well it taste amazing Izabel," Derek replied.
    That got a lot of replies of, 'Yeah' 'Yes' and 'Definitely'.

********After Breakfast********
    "Hey, we should all get ready and go to the mall," Jen suggested as we cleaned up our mess. I convinced them that we couldn't have the maids clean up a mess this big and that they were all busy with other chores.
    "Ohhh yes definitely! I've been needing a new pair of shoes!" Blaire squealed excitedly.
    "Another pair of shoes? Blaire, you already have over 100 pairs. I've counted!" Rebeka argued.
    "Well I want another pair."
    Suddenly the doorbell rang.
    My father and the rest of the boys looked at each other, then at me, and then back at each other and nodded.
    "Izabel," Anthony started. The guys got up and walked over towards me. "You need to go upstairs to your room and whatever you dint come out until we say so. Okay?"
    "Guys, you all are scaring me," I wasn't really scared but I need to act the part. "Whats going on?"
    "Look Iz, I made a deal many years ago with some people and now those men are here to collect their payment because I fell through on my side of the deal." David answered. "I'm sorry honey. I shouldn't have failed my part of that deal. They tricked me and that's how I lost."
    "Dad... what's the payment?"
    "You. You are the payment." I then proceed to smack him.
    "Yes but I wasn't supposed to lose!"
    Suddenly we heard a gunshot. I busted out of the kitchen and into the front of the house leaving everyone behind me shouting for me not to go. When I go out there I saw a man with a red bandana over his face so you could only see his eyes and hair with a gun pointed at someone lying on the ground with a bullet wound through their stomach.
    Jason was the person on the ground clutching his stomach screaming in pain.
    "No!" I shouted running over to him and dropping to my knees beside of him. Three others guys stood around the assailant watching me as I cover the bullet hole with my hands. They all had their guns pointed at me.
    Normally that would have scared me half to death but not now.
    "Jason... Jason you're going to be okay," I muttered so only he would hear me.
    "No, I'm not Izabel-" He took a breath, blood had started to come out of his mouth. "I'm not going ot make it. But before I die I want you to know... I love you. As more than a friend. I love Piper, that's why I married her but I love you more. But... then you left. I thought I was over you but then you came back and I'm not. I'm still in love with you. I always have been, always will be. I love you Izabel Lynn Blake."
    "I love you too Jason."
    Then the life left his eyes and I knew he was dead. Nobody had heard him confess his love to me and no one would ever find out. It was our secret. I didn't cry. There was no use. He was gone and there was nothing I could do about it. I wasn't sad. I knew he was in a better place.
But, I was angry.
I was angry at his killer.
I was angry at him for even going to the door.
             I was angry at my father for starting this whole mess.
I was angry at myself for coming back.
But most of all, I was angry because that was the last time I would ever talk to Jason
Atwell ever again.

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