Burning in the Skies

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*I used the deadwood to make the fire rise
The blood of innocence burning in the skies
I filled my cup with the rising of the sea
And poured it out in an ocean of debris

I'm swimming in the smoke
Of bridges I have burned
So don't apologize
I'm losing what I don't deserve
What I don't deserve

The day starts like any other day in idyllic Charming California. Jax rolls out of bed around 10am, sun streaming through the open blinds nearly blinding him, his phone vibrates on the dresser across the room. Next door the distance a dog barks, and a lawn mower is heard. It's the day he's been waiting for... the day his attorney has told him to be ready to bring his kids home, all of his kids. Little does he know that a day so normal in it beginnings would bring Jackson Teller, former President of SAMCRO, prince and king of Charming to his knees.


Dragging his feet across the carpeted floor of his room he answers the phone.


"Good morning Jax" Lowen says. "Did I wake you?"

"Nope. I'm up." He rubs the stubble that's still in tact on his chin. He was clean-shaven when he arrived in Charming, in fact he's been clean-shaven every day since he was incarcerated and now he kinds of likes the stubble on his chin. "Got an update for me?"

"I do. The judge has granted the temporary full custody order in your favor. Seems you've demonstrated the ability to care for the minor children in greater capacity then the current custodian." She adds with a laugh, "Will wonders never cease."

Jax laughs as well, a small chuckle, "I keep expecting to see a pig fly by."

"You sure about all this Jax?"

He's not, but it's too late for that. "Not sure it really matters at this point. Where do we go from here?"

Lowen, as usual gets right to the details, "Well we have several options. First we can call the family court and have a child social services worker along with a few officers of the law serve Tara and remove the children."

"And second.." He pushes, very sure that's something he doesn't want to do.

"Second if you and Tara can come to some agreement of where and when to meet with the children to exchange custody you would them be escorted by your attorney and one court appointed civil servant to assure the transfer of the minors is completed. If you choose option 2 I can serve her in the next hour."

Jax thinks briefly about stopping all of this. Yesterday Tara slept on his sofa. How the fuck was he going to take her children away today? He runs his hands through his hair, which desperately needs to be washed, and takes a deep breath.

"Jax?" She urges.

"Give me 24 hours. Let me talk to Tara, maybe we can figure something out."

"I can give you 24 hours to decide the transfer, but like it or not her attorney will provide her with the courts decision today."

"Fuck. Then I guess I've got my work cut out for me don't I?" He hangs up the phone and immediately dials Tara.

It rings only once before she answer, "I can't believe you have balls big enough to call me!"


"Don't Tara me. Jesus Christ Jax you took custody of the kids!!!???? Charlie hasn't even spent one full day alone with you! I thought we were working this out. I thought we would come to some mutual decision. But what I'm learning is apparently your default is chicken shit, and you went behind my back and to a JUDGE to show how YOU are the better parent then ME!"

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