5) jack

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tagged malloreythompson



malloreythompson: cut it out Johnson. we're done.

jackj: what the heck did I do?

mallorythompson: don't think I didn't read the comments you put on fatherkels and sahar.luna's posts.

jackj: babe wait.

malloreythompson: gtfo here's the door 👉🏻🚪

fatherkels: no offense mallorey but this is Jack's post so you need to gtfo.

malloreythompson: @ me next time bish

sahar.luna: why do people overreact so much? He comments "👀" and you break up with him.

jackj: thanks girls fatherkels sahar.luna

fatherkels: don't tag us together.

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just a tip, don't pay attention to how many comments there are because I legit click random numbers


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