VII. Feelings

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March 13, 2017

Guys you should not judge people on what they look like.  

People with make-up may only wear it to think they are beautiful or pretty on the outside.

Whoever comes to school or work grumpy may have had a hard afternoon or day. 

You should not judge those who laugh at random things, maybe they are having a hard time in life and just need a little laugh to boost them up. 

The girl you call to fat or skinny may throw up in the bathroom when everybody is gone just so they think they have a pretty body.

The kids at school may only wear baggy clothes because they have no other. 

A girl at school may wear tomboy clothes cause she likes them better than feel more comfortable than women's. 

The girl who hangs with the boys may only hang so they won't have to deal with the meanness of girls or their drama. 

The boy in your class who wear long sleeves may have scars on his wrists because he wants to commit suicide.

I could go on and on but the point is that you shouldn't judge because you are not part of their life so don't interfere with it.  You have no idea what is going on in their lives so don't go and mess with them.  So unless you want to ask them to join you or play or something nice to them then don't say anything at all to them.

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