What happened

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   Im starting my first day as a arkam asylum i have been informed that i have a patient named joker and he is a well known criminal who is badly insane.I knew it was going to take a long time to try and cure him because he has had 2,000,000 diffrent theropists in the past WEEK.I really hope that i will be okay.What i dont know is im about to fall in love with the king of gothom and crime and join him as his partner and lover.Id become the green of gotham.So anyway i was on my way to my first day at work with worry in my head.I did not want to meet the joker at all not even be his theropist.I pulled up to the gates and showed my I.D to the guard he let me in and i was greeted by my new boss a very tall strict looking man.

harleys I.D

Once i entered the arkham doors i felt regret for taking up this job

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Once i entered the arkham doors i felt regret for taking up this job.I walked to my office and got my records for joker and went to his cell.He was a very tall pale white male.

jokers files

He looked at me and laughed at me and i lokked serious even though i was scared and could not hide

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He looked at me and laughed at me and i lokked serious even though i was scared and could not hide."Why so scared i dont bite much"he said i told him to back off and leave me alone but that just made him laugh at me even more.I opened his files and read them she was charged with a lot of crimes.Like Murder,Kidnapping,Assault with deadly weapon, and vandilism.He was brought here by batman who killed to get to him."so joker what are you going to do sit there or talk"i said in a stern way.

He had a straight jacket on and said NOTHING WHICH WOULD GET ME NOWERE.So i told him he had to talk or i would kill him cause i could leagally have a gun with this man and could shoot him at anytime if he tried to harm me.I told him he was going to stay in here and die if he did not talk.So he finally did he said "you cant help me at all so dont even try to be a hero".I told him i wasnt going to try to be a hero and i just got put with him so i told him to talk or get shot right in the middle of his insane fucking head by my gun.

He told me not to worry about him but to worry about how sane i was i wouldnt know what he meant till later on in my carrer here with the fucking insane killer in front of me.This insane asshole was going to kill my carrer track.I went over to the table that joker was sitting at and i sat down i told him he wasnt going to get a second chance to talk if i killed him.

So he started to talk and said "I cant be cured harley".I asked him what did you just call me.

He told me "harley, dosent everyone call you that"I told him none but you calls me that and none else ever will.

Your going to be ok harleen i told myself i actually liked harley better though i was never going to show the joker that i was actually liking what he was calling me when he was here in the asylum.

He looked at me and said"you like me calling you harley".

Oh shit he noticed guess im not good at hiding stuff soon i will be out of here though and wont have to see joker till the next day.I was blanked out then i felt a bite on my arm then i looked at who bit me and i pulled my gun on him the joker fucking bit me and i knew his ass would not stop there.

"Well harley if your going to kill me then just do it"Joker said with a wide grinn across his face.I couldnt do it i lowered my gun to the floor and put it back in my pocket.

I rembered that a theropist is able to give a gift to there patient so i gave the joker a small pale white cat that had green hair and a damaged tatoo on its forhead it looked exactlly like him and he smiled when i gave hin the kitty.

"thank you harley"he said with a smile.He put the kitten in his straight jacket pocket and told me to keep this necklace he gave me it had a picture of him and a blank side so i put it on and felt a weird feeling aroung my body like a tingle or a long numbness then i blacked out to me kissing the joker and letting him out of his straight jacket and giving him a gun.

I woke up on a table to joker over me he was shirtless and had alot of tatoos on him.

"what are you going to do kill me Mr.J"i asked

"oh im not going to kill just hurt you really really badly" he said with a grinn

I last remeber him putting things that make you less insane up to the sides of my head and then he made me insane like him.

He was now my "puddin" and i loved him he made me or i would die but over the time it happened naturally and i grew strong feelings about him and then one day he moved me into his mansion with him we shared the same room and it was alsome.I had a pink walk in closet he had a blue one and they went as far as 100 aceres of land so i had alot of clothes most of them dresses for Mr.J's partys that he always threw in the middle of spring with all his friends and all of mine they were awsome when they all came together in to sing .

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