After Trish and Jeff's match

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Jeff's POV

Wow Trish is really good at this and it's only her 2nd day

Trish: hey Jeff are you okay

Jeff: huh... oh yeah I'm fine just thinking

Trish: okay

Lita: ah Trish I want to talk to you well some of the divas want to meet you

Trish: are they nice like you

Jeff: piece of advice not all of them are nice like Lita

Trish: okay thanks

Then I walked away to my dressing room I then heard a knock I shouted "come in" and in came my brother

Matt: hey

Jeff: hey what's up

Matt: found out what's wrong

Jeff: what are you talking about

Matt: Jeff you can't just change the subject and forget about it

Jeff: it's in the past

Matt: this is about Trish isn't it

Jeff: what

Matt: admit it you like Trish

Jeff: I like her as a friend plus we only just met

Matt: okay then why were you upset yesterday

Jeff: I don't know

Matt: Jeff

Jeff: I don't know what's wrong with me okay please just let it go

Matt: okay but you can't escape it

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and Trish walked into the girls locker room and I saw 2 more divas 

Lita: girls this is Trish be nice to her

???: I'm Melina

???: I'm Mickie James

Trish: hi

We sat down and started to talk then David walked in

David: Mickie Melina you're next

Mickie: okay

We smiled and they walked out

Trish: what about the other divas

Lita: oh they are the snotty ones you don't want to mess with them

Trish: okay

Lita: let's go walk around

???: hey

Trish: *turns around*

???: you're pretty good who taught you

Trish: you did

???: what

Lita: taker Trish has been a big fan of yours

Taker: why thanks Trish and you did amazing in the ring with Hardy

Trish: thank you

Taker: by the way you haven't seen Kane have you

Trish: no sorry

Taker: okay

Then he walked off

Lita: I bet you're happy

Trish: happy? I'm excited

Lita: I didn't meet my hero you are lucky

Trish: I know

Lita: come on let's go to my locker

End of POV

Jeff Hardy x Trish StratusWhere stories live. Discover now