No way

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Your P.O.V

The morning then I wear  my jeans and t-shirt when I went down stairs I saw Hye and as usual he woke up early .

"Goodmorning (Y/N)",he said to me and I just nod.

"How come you aren't dress up?",he said and look at me up and down

"Why I am already dressed up?",I said and turn around for him to see that I 'm already dressed up.

"No no sister of mine will dress up like that",he said and put his hands on his waist.

"This is how you I dress up and what should I  wear",I shouted to him and he looked at me up and down and in his face a grin appeared.

     I have a bad feeling about this...He hold my and  then ran into my room.

"Hey no one is allowed to enter my room ",I shouted and  he was about to oqqawaqqq1pen my room.

"Why? What is your problem (Y/N)",Hye ask and suddenly opened the door.

I turned around then suddenly ran but he caught me and he pulled me back into my room.

"Explain yourself ",he said and pointed inside my room.

"What",I said and started trembling.

"Why  is your room like this!!!!?",he shouted and I put my hand on my neck and let out a little chuckle.

"Don't give me that chuckle  What the hell did you do to your room it's all messy",he said to me and looked like his anger approach him.

"Why? I can make my room look like whatever I want!",I shouted back and protest.

"My room look neater than yours look at this your bed is messy your pillow is on the ground and pile of books are everywhere!!!!!!",he looked like he was grossed.

"I told you that you need to back off my room Hye!!!!" I shouted at him and he just let out a sigh.

"Fine but please clean this up until we get back and also...",he said and looked at me he  went down and brought back something.

   Hye's P.O.V .

I just couldn't believe this is her room it's all messy and I argued with her but I gave up after all she's right this is her room.I went down stairs  and brought up something.

"(Y/N) wear this",I said and throw it above her bed.

"What is this?",she said and opened the bag .

"No way there's no way I could wear this!!!!",she shouted and  run to the door but I slammed it.

"Wear it or else",I said to her with a pranking tone.

"Or else what?",she shouted at me and went to me closer with an angry face and our nose almost touch each other.

"Or else I'll  show your school that  you are a handsome boy when you dress up in boys uniform",I said to her and took my phone and then showed a picture of her wearing boys clothes.

"Ughhhhh fine",she said  then took the clothes and I went out so that she can change.

I made her wear a cute dress and we went to the BigHit entertainment when me went inside the company she didn't react I was shocked when  she had a serious face I hadn't seen her like this.
We then went to my dance practice room and I introduce her to my group.

"Hye ,can I talk to you for a",A guy with a fluffy brown hair said but stopped when he saw me.

"What is it Hyung?",ask Hye to him.

"Uhmmm... Maybe some other time",the guy with brown hair said and he looked at me up and down then left .

"What is wrong with him?",I asked myself.

Then  there was another knock  on the door Hye opened it and I saw my dad.

"Hye what are you doing here don't tell me that you also want to become a idol",my dad said and ruffled my hair .

"No I did not",I replied to him.

"Okay since your here I would like you to meet Bts ",my father said to me and I was confuse because I don't know them sure my dad owns the company but I have no interest in them I heard everyone in the school talked about them.

"Sure why not",I said in my very soft voice and we walked in the hallway of the building and we went to the elevator then we reach the floor which I believe is where the Bts dance practice room is located.

"Okay let's go ,Oh !before I could forget you will be their manager",my dad said my face was in shock and I looked like a paralyzed person.

"There's no way I could be there manager you know that I hate idols",I said back in protest.

"Why because of your past you really think that it is your fault this is present(Y/N) live it be past is past",my dad said and opened the door then I saw 7 young men.

I immediately saw the boy who has a brown fluffy hair  they then greet me except for the guy with brown hair he keeps on shooting  death glares at me what did I do.I then remembered the guy that have saved my life.

"Okay boys she will be your manager and please take care of her",my dad said and left.

They then stand up and introduced their selves to me so the guy with brown fluffy hair is Taehyung/ V. I got comfortable with the other member  except V he is cold to me every time I want   to say something to him.

"Don't worry  V is cold but he is weird inside",Jin said to me and appears  
V heard what Jin said and V looked at him with death glares.

"Okay who wants to go out and eat",J-hope said then change the atmosphere that is awkward.

They raised their hands except Taehyung .

"What do you think Manager Unnie",he asked me then I nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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