Moon theatre

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A darkness filled your head and as you strained to open your (e/c) eyes they refused to listen to you and so you sat and you waited for what seemed like hours listening to the footsteps passing you by the cars beeping their horns and the gentle coo's of pigeons flocking by your still side. Your first view of the new world was just a mere cracked wall that came in a series of blurs at first you merely saw a faint worn out red colour before the cracks began to peer through and your vision became more and more clear.
"Where the hell am I" your croaky voice mumbled with difficulty, your body seemed so weak and tired but if you didn't move soon darkness would soon shroud again and you'll fall back into a deep sleep which you may never awake from.

Shakily placing down your open palms onto the dirty tar black concrete your legs were the first things that began to buckle under your weight "damn it.." you groaned again in frustration pushing past the striking pain in the back of your head and forcing yourself to stand to hold onto the wall as the flock of pigeons flew away in a scared rush. Now there's was only silence and feathers falling slowly to the ground leaving the world seemingly lifeless.
It took you a moment or two to begin walking forward in a direction you didn't really know but forward nonetheless stepping into the light of the streets and almost being blinded by the suns welcoming glow, everything was different, everyone was different!
Your mind caught up to you, your gaze crossed animals in cars in cafes working on the street and elephants pushing their large strollers down the path on their way home "w-WHERE AM I!" You yelled in fright and rushed down the hill your feet gliding over the grey steps barely touching them as you threw your self down a large hill thankfully landing on your feet but still stumbling to get back up "hide hide hide MUST hide!" You repeated over and over again before forcing yourself through a gold spinning door with crystal glass that sparkled with the rising sun on a cloudless day. You soon fell  down to the velvet red carpet that laid beneath you stretching outwards to each corner of the pristinely clean was quiet here empty almost lifeless till you heard the whispers and laughing coming from a pair of oak wood doors just a small way away from your very position "a thea-" before you could even finish your sentence the darkness was back and engulfed your body sending a shocking pain down your spine before you weakly collapsed onto the floor.

Johnny x reader (sing!)Where stories live. Discover now