Dinner At The Burrow

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George's POV

Wake up. Feel awful. Cry. Calm down. Sleep. Wake up. Continue to sleep. This has been my routine for quite some time. If I eat, it's not much. The only time I eat a real meal is on Sundays at the Burrow, which happens to be today.

I have gotten so many letters from Mum talking about how excited she is about this particular dinner. Just because Madeline is coming, she has been talking about her so much, apparently they have been writing a lot and Mum already loves her. And if I'm honest, I'm actually pretty excited to meet her because Mum has built up how amazing she is. So now, my expectations are high.

I look at the clock, 4:46. I sighed as I got out of bed to get ready for dinner. I get a nice dress outfit, cause if I didn't dress up a little bit, Mum would get upset. I don't do anything with my hair because what's the point. I look in the mirror and see that my hair has gotten even longer. It's not as long as it was when I was sixteen, but it looks pretty shaggy. I look to the clock to the see that it's five minutes to Five, so I decide to apparate to the burrow.

Madeline's POV

At approximately 3:30 in the afternoon

What on Earth do I wear?! I have trying to figure out what to wear for the longest time. I asked Dromeda and she said dressy yet casual. "Aha!" I exclaimed, "Finally!" I found the perfect and then headed into the shower.

About 30 minutes later

I get out of the shower to get ready. I decided to towel dry, and then air dry my hair. While it was up in the towel, I moisturized my face to get it ready for the make up. I then my hair out of the towel and but a headband in my hair to get it out of my face. I then did my makeup and hair (see picture at the top).

I then put on my outfit and headed to Teddy's room. "Hi little man!" I said to him as he smiled and cooed up at me. "Did you have a nice sleep? We have to get you dressed." I picked him up and brought him over to the changing table.

"Does someone have a dirty nappie? Because you stink!" I said making him laugh. I changed his nappie and then took the rest of his clothes off. He started to cry, I've taken notice that Teddy doesn't like being cold. I picked out the sweetest outfit for him.

"Are you ready Teddy?" I rhymed. Andromeda had been gone all day, she had many errands to run and wouldn't be back until later tonight. I put Teddy in his buggy and apparated to the Burrow. I had asked Andromeda about apparating and she said it was perfectly safe.

As I walked up the pathway, I started to become nervous. What if I don't make a good impression? What if they think I'm not fit enough to take care of Teddy? What if they just plain don't like me?!

"Calm down, Madeline," I whispered to myself. I looked up to see that I'm only a little ways away from the front door. I then looked down into the buggy at Teddy, "Wish me luck little man." I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I didn't have to wait long before the door swung open and I saw a sweet looking, plump woman with red hair.

"Oh Madeline, it is so wonderful to finally meet you dear! Oh my goodness, you're pretty" she said as she pulled me into a tight hug. "Come in, come in!"

"oh, wow, thank you. It's wonderful to meet you too, Molly" I replied as I walked into what looked to be the most amazing house. "Oh Molly, your house is so great!" I complimented. "Oh thank you dear, it's nothing special, but it's home."

"Weasleys!" she shouted "Madeline and Teddy are here!" She then led me into the kitchen where the food was being prepared. The first people to meet us in the kitchen were Bill and Fleur. "Great to meet you Madeline, I'm Bill" he said as he greeted me with a friendly hug. "It's great to meet you too, Bill" I then turned to meet Fleur. "'Ow wondervul to meet you, Madeline! Molly 'as told us so much about you!" She then pulled me into a tight hug. "It's wonderful to meet you as well, Fleur. I absolutely love your accent! It's beautiful!" I complimented. "Sank you so much!"

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