Chapter One: Awakening

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Never in all of Sesshomaru's long life had he been plagued with nightmares and yet as of late he felt himself caught in a dream state unable to free himself. He'd be traveling with Rin and Jaken as he did for years until it'd slowly turn to the scene where Kagura died then onto the time he lost Rin to her humanity, but watched as her and Kohaku's children lived on.

Jaken and Sesshomaru still traveled together even after they lost Rin, but it was different and soon he chose to travel alone. That was the last time he saw Jaken before he fell into a deep sleep.

'That's right..." Sesshomaru thought. 'Mother did something and before I knew it I was lost." His power rose to the surface enough so he felt himself stir and his eyes flew open glowing red.

As he looked around he noticed he was still in his mother's castle, but something was off. It was quiet, too quiet. He rose from the bed and wandered around his mother's palace. When he couldn't find her he decided to take his leave of the place, that was when he caught the scents of many usual smells which made him sick to his stomach.

Sesshomaru looked out over the old castle's surroundings, his eyes widening when he caught sight of what seemed like large boxes in the distance. "Buildings? Impossible, a mere mortal doesn't have such a capability to accomplish such a feat."

'How long was I asleep?" He growled under his breath, when he finds his mother he would demand answers.

He flew off towards the strange buildings when he couldn't even find a scent of his mother in her palace. Mortals seemed to overrun the place and strange transportation from one place to another was done in metal contraptions.

'Could this be the time Kagome spoke of?" He had overheard his little brother's wife speak of such strange things when he went to visit Rin in the village. Much was about how she missed some of the things in her own time.

It was then Sesshomaru knew he was no longer in the Feudal Era of Japan, but rather the modern day his sister spoke of. "Curse it all." He flew over the city known as Tokyo. 'Where are all the demons? Why do they not attack this place?"

"Well, well, I think he is lost brother. Shall we show him what happens to demons that trespass on our territory?" Never had Sesshomaru made mistakes, but with his mind lost in thought, that he didn't even notice these pathetic demons come upon him.

"Answer me this, pitiful demons." He narrowed his golden eyes on them, holding his poison claws up ready to strike them if they refuse to answer. "What era is this and why are there no demons that attack the humans?"

They laughed. "What's this? A poor old lost demon who has hidden away so long he knows nothing."

"Ha. I, Sesshomaru, do not stoop so low to coware in hiding." Shaking his head Sesshomaru regarded them with an amused expression. "It appears you lesser demons have forgotten the lord of the West. I will kill you both for insolence." Rather than wasting his bakusaiga on them, his hand flew out towards them and he easily cut them to pieces with a whip of green light that came from his claws.

Even that small bit of action didn't seem to fill a void he began to feel inside himself. His features were cold and expressionless as he went to go see just how much has changed in his absence and if he could even find anyone he once knew from his past.

That was when he realized if this was the time Kagome spoke of then it meant she had to be here. He never cared very much for Inuyasha or Kagome in his opinion they were nothing more than a nuisance.

"Sesshomaru!" A voice echoed across the skies. "Is that really you?"

He didn't stop for the voice, but rather kept going expecting whomever it was to just catch up to him. A demon with pointed ears, strange blue eyes, and long dark purple hair came up beside him on black wings with a tail that followed behind the same color as her hair. It was a woman who smiled at him and for a moment he had to think on back where he'd seem this demon before.

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