Sanzo Experiences Arts and Crafts Chapter One

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Chapter One

I do not own Saiyuki- that would be Kazuya Minekura.

Once Upon A Time in modern-day Texas, the Sanzo ikkou mysteriously popped up out of nowhere.

Hakkai, being the smart one who just so happened to read books about strange other worlds that people would mysteriously pop into when the gods got bored, knew exactly what was happening. Meanwhile, Goku, Gojyo, and Sanzo where freaking out because, apparently, they weren't in Saiyuki anymore (in defense of Sanzo, he was just glaring at Hakkai because he thought it was another one of his cruel jokes made to emphasize how he was smart and they were not).

Hakkai looked around and smiled. He'd always wanted to come to the other world named Earth. Sure, the humans living there were stupid and corrupted and delusional, but it seemed like a pretty interesting place.

"HAKKAI! Say something! Where are we? This isn't the restaurant you promised me! HAKKAI!" Goku screamed.

Hakkai patted him on the head, "We're in one of those other worlds that people mysteriously pop into when the gods get bored. I believe this one is called Earth. And, I'm sure they have plenty of nice restaurants around here that will accept ATM cards. I think they have ATM cards here, too." He said reassuringly.

"So this isn't your idea of a practical joke. I could still kill you anyways since I have no way of getting to that old hag Kanzeon." Sanzo mumbled, loading another round into his gun.

Hakkai backed away and held the ATM card up as a bargaining chip for his life. To everyone but Goku's dismay, he backed right into an advertising poster of an arts and crafts class being taught in exactly 5 minutes, free of charge. Goku immediately ripped the poster off the wall of the department store and held it up in front of Sanzo's face.





"No. End of discussion."

"I won't complain until we get back to China! Promise!"

This offer was extremely tantalizing. Goku held promises in high regard and hated anyone who dared to break them. Namely, Sanzo.

"Well, what the hell are you waiting for? You'll be late to your precious class if you don't run, so move your ass!"

And that's how the Sanzo ikkou ended up running up six flights of stairs in less than three minutes, barely making it on time for the class to begin. Thankfully, the teacher arrived a minute late, sparing the group of having to explain why they were late (does, oh we were just in another dimension for a while, sound acceptable?).

Goku had rushed over to an empty table near the front of the classroom, oblivious to the strange looks the group was receiving. Apparently sexy cross-dressing blonde smokers were not part of the usual scenery. After getting over the shock of the cross-dressing hottie, the other attendants began to notice the pervish-looking redhead who could possibly be another cross-dresser, the calm gentleman with only one half of his glasses intact, and the hyperactive middle schooler with a golden headband in the wrong place. By now, they were contemplating the possibility that all of these gorgeous men were cross-dressers. And perhaps gay, as well.

The teacher (Ms. Veny) cleared her throat and introduced herself. Then she proceeded to skim the days students, and let an extremely startled expression cross her face after laying her eyes on the Sanzo ikkou. Usually such handsome men were not in her presense. Usually, such handsome men were not in the presence of anything worth creating.

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