Chapter 1 ~ It's Not Like I'm A Gang Leader Or Anything

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Chapter 1 ~ It's Not Like I'm A Gang Leader Or Anything

Running down the street with the colors red and blue flashing behind me at the unholy hour of about a quarter past midnight -albeit-isn't the greatest situation. My multi-colored hair was hidden under my black beanie with my side swept bangs sticking out and blinding me when it hit my eyes, but I kept running.

I made a sharp turn unsuccessfully throwing them off, as the sirens got louder I took a chance and ran down an ally-good thing I know this city like the back of my hand- that was an enormous risk because it gave them the opportunity to corner me. At the last second I unexpectedly made a change of course and headed to the rundown part of town.

Unfortunately, they thought I would try to trick them and caught up quite quickly, my legs were starting to give out and the exhaustion was beginning to settle though I still continued to push them.

Come on, come on, just a little more.

I finally made it to the neighborhood and weaved my way through the open backyards' fences; I made a confusing trail from one side to a discarded two-story house with shuttered windows in the labyrinth like place. I rapidly darted into the house and bumped into something they put their finger over my lips and shut the door to make it not look suspicious. Due to the lack of light, I could not make out who was beside me. They snatched my wrist and dragged me up the stairs. They took me into what I assumed was once the master bedroom, they turned on a lamp -that though worked kept flickering making it possible to only see the contours of his face- that was sitting next to a worn-out mattress that was on the floor.

"Who are you?" questioned a strong yet young male voice.

"Not important." I said slyly.

"Answer me now!"

"Tell me who you are and I'll tell you who I am."

"It doesn't work like that."

"My name isn't important just call me Spike, now who are you?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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