Chapter 1: My Girlfriend

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"I never thought i could make it here you know, Winning X Factor was my first greatest achievement in my life. Then signing a contract with a huge management is also a great achievement for me.. but all in all my achievements, my favorite was sharing the world about my songs, my inner, my feelings and generally ME" i smiled through the camera and look at the interviewer who keeps smiling at me the whole time i talked

This is just my everyday THING.. Go to interviews, perform in the crowd, do my thing.. Don't get me wrong I LOVE THE SPOTLIGHT but sometimes it's just too much to handle

"So how are you and Ariana Grande?" She smiled at me. They just love those kind of news don't they?

"Good" i forced a smile, This is showbiz. Tell them what they want to hear or else they lose their shit

"Just Good?" She chuckled and i smiled and she continued "Thank you Y/N Y/LN for visiting here at the studio hope we'll see more of you in the future eh?"

"No no thank you for having me" i smiled back

"CUT THAT'S GREAT" the director shouted and i sighed. Finally

"Take me home"

"Y/N you can't. You have a recording today remember" My manager, Margaret, smiled at me weakly..

"Yeah yeah.. I'm sorry" i forced a smile

We went to her car, she insisted to drive me to the studio, you see.. Margaret Nicolas is not just my manager, she's also my best friend. She knows what I've been through with everything and she understands me..

Going in this show business is not easy for me, I'm not normal.. I mean I AM, but not all the 'parts' of me. I'm physically a girl except at one part of my body. I have a pe.. penis.. everybody knows that now it used to be me, my family and my best friend's secret..

Everybody accepted my mini me, but alot of people still bashes me for being a huge freak.. and sometimes i get insecure of it, My other best friend, Camila, said not to worry bout it but I can't stop worrying about everything. I tend to overthink sometimes. Oh you know Camila? Cabello? Yeah yeah she's my best friend

"We're here bish" Margaret or as i call her, Manet, Smirked at me

"What? Why you smirking fucktart" I smiled, yes we call each other shit hahaha

"Cabello" she smiled and look pass me

What? I look behind me and saw a red jeep i looked at the plate number, Yes that's hers but why is she here?

"Shoo go away now, i have to take care some shits for you now shoo" Manet smirked and pushed me outside

"Damn you" I murmured

"I heard that tarts!" She laughed and I smiled

As i was walking to the door of the studio i heard someone called me, I stopped and smiled i turned to face that someone and i said


"Eeeng. Wrong" said the familiar voice and clung her whole body to me

"Grande" I hugged her and placed my head on her neck "I missed you" I murmured

Let Me Love You (Ariana Grande/You/Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now