Chapter 2

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Misty woke up the next day her hair a ratty mess. She slowly opened her eyes letting her eyes adjust to the bright sun. But, when she woke she was not in the tree she was in last night. She was now in what seemed like a hollowed out tree. "The hell? What did I do? Sleep walk? Never did that before.." She muttered. Misty got up but while trying to stand up she hit her head on the bark above. "Ow, Fucker!" shouted Misty. "Great, Normally i'm short as hell but now I'm too tall?! I wish I was short again. I least I had less chance of getting brain damage." She grumbled to herself. Misty crawled out from where she had awoken only to be shocked over where she was. People, Everywhere, It was almost like a village. But no, These....Creatures didn't look like people..Almost Mutants. Yes. Mutants was the word. A young man glanced over at Misty as he walked by and smiled. He stopped walking and began to make his way over to Misty. Misty got nervous and balled her hands up into fists. Getting prepared for a fight.

The young man had a long tail that had quills all the way down it that looked as if they could be shot out just with the flick of his tail. The boy also had very tan skin, pointed ears, Freckles dotting his face, sparkling green eyes with a hint of gold in them along with a dark blue ring around the green and short wavy blond hair that fell perfectly in place. Looking as if he didn't even have to try and always woke up looking like perfection. Misty blushed lightly. Damn he's cute... Misty shook her head to get any thoughts about the boy out of her head growling softly to herself "I see you've awoken, My name is, Dante. But I also go by, Shooter. You'll find out why I have that nickname sooner or later" Dante said with a small smirk followed by a wink. "What is your name? Since you were asleep when we had found you we couldn't really ask you anything." Misty looked at him completely mesmerized by Dante's face. "umm..Sorry what did you say? I uh, didn't really hear you the first time." Misty said trying not to be hypnotized by how cute the boy was. "I asked what you're name was" He replied with a smile showing that he didn't mind repeating himself. Oh, so he's a gentleman too? "Oh, It's Misty, Misty Fran." Misty said holding out her hand. Dante gladly shook Misty's hand "Nice to meet you Misty, Now..I better go take you to chief before I get in trouble; Again. Anyways, Come on!!" Dante, Still holding Misty's hand and quickly dragged her away from the hollowed base of the tree she had awoken in and began making his way through these other large trees and vines hanging from them along with a few man made structures here and there. Nothing big, Just what seemed to be a few meeting area's where people could sit and chat about how there day was. After just a few more feet of walking the two came upon a much larger tree. It looked almost as if it was the largest tree out of all of them. Almost like some sort of "King Tree" Anyways, Dante dragged Misty up to the tree and stopped turning back to me "Okay, This is where the Chief normally is, along with our tribe doctors and a few other people live here too. It's also where we have our meetings as well. So it's good to know where this is...Although it's not hard to miss!" Dante said laughing a bit at the last line. "Alrighty So am I going to meet this mr.Chief man?" Misty asked tilting her head to the side "Oh, Right, Sorry I get distracted a lot. Come on, His name is Silver Wind, No one knows his real name. Heck, I don't even think he knows his own name. He says that it was his code name while he was at the lab. He was the first of us to get thrown out. I was close to one of the last. And even some of us died there in those cages. The basterds...." Misty stared at Dante in shock. She didn't really understand what he meant but she knew one thing. These people had a really hard and dark past. I better not ask too much about it. I don't want to trigger anything. hmm...It kind of reminds me of how my dad...before he died, he had PTSD....I remember how he use to get when he would get these attacks. He wasn't himself. I Better help Dante before he begins to scream and shout and hurt people around him like dad use to do. "Dante." Misty placed her hand on Dante's shoulder making him stop mid sentence and look at Misty with wide eyes. His breath shaky. "You need to calm down. You're gonna cause you're self to have an attack. Come on, Let's go talk to Chief." Misty smiled a very sweet and sincere smile and took Dante's hand. "R-Right...Sorry you had to see that Misty.." Dante muttered looking down at his feet. "It's fine, My dad was the same way. Come on." The two of them walked to the tree and began to climb the branches all the way up to the highest branch where there was a older looking man with messy silver hair and pale skin. He was also wearing what looked like a cloak. It was Gray with white designs on it. "Chief Silver Wind? Misty has awoken, I brought her to you like you asked." Dante said as if nothing had happened. The man turned his head slightly to look at Misty and nodded. "I see that you have Dante. Thank you. You may leave I would like to speak with Misty alone for a moment. Just wait down at the base of the tree." Said a old raspy yet gentle voice "Yes Sir." Dante turned to me and smiled "I'll see you soon okay?" Misty nodded and Dante turned and began to head down. Hopping from branch to branch to get to the bottom. Misty turned back to the old man. "Why did you bring me here sir? If you don't mind me asking that is." Misty asked very curious of the answer "You see," started the old man turning around to face Misty "Our tribe is made up of people who have been done wrong. We were experiments. Some started off as just normal humans who volunteered to join a program thinking we'd help find a cure. But really, The government just used that as a cover up, They wanted to make us into super soldiers that did as commanded. Like Slaves that had no right to a free life. As you can see many of us are disfigured, have strange body parts and abilities. Yet we are not the only tribe like this, There are only a few more at different parts of the forest, Once a month we will all gather at the center of the forest and give our reports of what had happened lately, New members, New Creatures found, And attacks are normally on the top of the list. Of course we are all still called the Forgotten. But we all have different tribal names. Now, I must ask, Would you like to join our tribe?" Misty looked at Silver Wind and thought about his offer for a moment Join the Tribe? ...I'm not sure, Would I even fit in? I don't have any abilities...And I was never part of this program either. But I don't know what kind of creatures could be out there in the forest. I'm not even sure if I would last a night. I have no fighting skills or anything...And these people are really nice from what I've seen....Misty smiled and nodded. "Yes Silver Wind. I will Join you." Silver Wind stood up balancing perfectly on the branch and smiled wide "Wonderful! We will hold a welcoming party for you tonight, For now, Is it alright if you share a sleeping area with Dante? Until we find you a spot to rest your head of course." "Sure, I don't mind. But eh..You said everyone has their own tribal name so...What would mine be?" Silver Wind looked at the young girl, Her bright green eyes shining in the setting sun's light her tan freckled skin looking beautiful as her long blond hair blew in the gentle breeze along with her long beautiful black dress with a midnight blue top and a white lace around the bottom flowing as well. "You shall be renamed as Aiyana, Eternal Blossom." Silver Wind smiled at the name he had just given his newest tribe member. "Aiyana.." Whispered Misty. Misty looked up at the Chief. "I love it. Thank you Chief." Aiyana smiled "You best be going Aiyana, Dante is waiting for you." Aiyana nodded and began to make her way carefully down the tree. Once reaching the bottom she say Dante setting down on the ground staring up at the sky "Dante! Dante! I got my Tribal Name!!" Aiyana shouted as she ran towards him smiling as wide as she could. Dante stood up and ran towards Aiyana too. "Really! What is it?? I hope it's better then mine!!" They finally met in the middle and Aiyana hopped up and down happily "My new name is Aiyana! Isn't it pretty?? Oh! And since I don't have a place to sleep at night Silver Wind said I could sleep with where you sleep too! We'll just have to share I guess" "Aiyana, for Eternal Blossom I see...It's Beautiful!" Dante hugged Aiyana tightly and muttered "Almost as Beautiful as you." 

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