I turned on the shower and it heated almost immediately, I stripped off and stepped into the steamy hot water. It dripped down my body and released me of the tension and stress that riddled my body. The true reason why I love showers, it just washes all my worries away down the drain, feeling like I’m in my own world. Knowing I had to be quick so I roughly washed my hair and body then rinsed myself, then quickly ran my razor over my legs and washed again to make sure there’s no blood from shaving so quick then hopped out. Lazily wrapping the towel around my body and ran to my room where I found Brooke was chucking my clothes all around.
“What the actual fuck!" I screeched an empty expression on my face “You’re cleaning this up!” I said raising my eye brows, she looked at me, rolled her eyes then chucked a pair of blue denim short shorts and a white tank top at me. I let it drop to the floor and walked to my draws to get some underwear, I turned to Brooke and shouted her a ‘GET OUT' she smiled and skipped out like a little girl getting ice cream.
Rushing to dry myself and slowly pulling my laced panties up my freshly shaven legs, then putting my bra on and Brooke shouts "I'm leaving" I hurry to put the shorts and top on, I just run out the door with my bag forgetting shoes and a jacket I jump in the car, Brooke hands me my favourite black leather jacket and a pair of black vans and my black ray bans, we look at each other and just start giggling. She starts up the engine and pulls out of the parking lot, the roofs down so my beautiful long brown hair air dry considering It’s sunny, we’re driving way over the speed limit which I couldn’t care less, the adrenaline of the speed. My hair should dry in a rough sexy natural curl which I love! I sat in front with the mirror down and took out my makeup, I decided to use black eyeliner on my eye lids and flick it off, followed by a black pencil lining the underneath of my eyes, followed by mascara and then some lip balm on my lips so they’re super soft and continued the rest of the drive with my feet up on the dash board singing along to ‘she looks so perfect’ by the one and only 5 seconds of summer. Those guys are so sexy, with their aussie accents and beautiful looks; to die for! I L.O.V.E this song!
As we pulled into the school parking lot I started to feel a bit sick.
“Hey girl, you’ll be fine I mean you got me after all! And since when was the great Emelia Kidd scared of anyone or anything? Remember that girl? Carly or whatever. She grabbed your hair and sassed you off and she walked… well limped away with a split lip, two black eyes and concussion? Well I know you’re capable of worse, now get a grip and pull yourself together!” she said smiling, you wouldn’t have guessed she was capable of ruining someone’s entire life with the flick of her hair when she’s like this, I suppose that’s why we’re best friends! I didn’t even tell her I was worried and she already knew how to comfort me.
“Thanks b, love you” I smiled back, just as she opened her mouth to say something an old woman tapped on the window.
“Excuse me class began 5 minutes ago! Stop gossiping and get to class!” she bossed rolling her eyes and walking off.
“Wow late on our first day and I’ve already made my decision on what teacher I hate!” Brooke joked, and I giggles and opened my door and stepping out. I took a look around and my eyes landed on a group of 5 lads stood leaning on two cars smoking, then I noticed one of them was staring at me, he was tall, his body full of tattoos and had dark brown hair which was a wop of messy curls which oddly was a turn on, damn no boys Emelia! Stop! I went to look away then I saw the tall boy smirk then start to walk over to me, I turned into Brookes direction and she was near the building entrance so I sprinted to her side just as she opened the door.
“Hey em, I thought I’d let you associate with your kind.” She smirked then flipped her hair, great her bitch modes on!
“Fuck you!” I said giving her an evil look
“I know that hot guy you had very intence eye contact with wants to.” She laughed and winked at me, I rolled my eyes and we made our way to the office to sign in and get our timetable.
a/n; hey guys it will start getting exciting; vote and comment:D ly

Two can't keep a secret.
Fanfictiontwo best friends move from rainy England to sunny California looking for a start fresh, Emelia and Brooke. it was going amazing until Emelia fell for the school bad boy and let him in on their secrets and it all spiraled out of control. hey guy, thi...