Route 03 > > Hibiya's Storm

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"Two bodies, one heart" 


Hibiya's eye twitches. Why, oh, why is he and Kagati seated with these... children? Kagari would argue they're actually months younger but doesn't matter. What matter is--"You stay away from Kagari," he threatens Kadowaki who's conversation with Kagari was interrupted.

"Hibi-chan!" Kagari berates her twin, nudging his chin that is on her shoulder. "Don't be rude to Kadowaki-kun."

'He's the rude one! Joining us out of nowhere.' Hibiya is still bitter about the fact that he has to share his lunch period with this crossdresser and kusomegane. He could be enjoying his meal without wanting to take a shit on their faces!

What frustrates him more is that Kagari seems to like their company. He pouts but doesn't show it. Kagari was fine with just the two of them before. Now...

"I'm going buy bread." Hibiya stands from their spot just outside their classroom. He and Kagari liked eating by the trees. Makes them feel they're still at the countryside.

"Okay, we'll be here!" Kagari shouts after his retreating figure. She, together with Kadowaki and Kohinata, stare at Hibiya.

"I think I'm gonna join him." Kohinata stands up, leaving Kagari and Kadowaki alone.

"I wonder if Hibi-chan hates us," Kadowaki asks out loud.

"He doesn't," Kagari answers on her twin's behalf. She firmly believes Hibiya isn't that type to hate people. "Hibi-chan just--He needs time to warm-up to people." Is her explanation.

"I see." Kadowaki nods in understanding. He offers a comforting smile. "We're willing to give him time, Kagari-san. We're in no rush to."

Kagari beams. "Thank you," she gushes out warmly. "Really, thank you. That means so much to me and my brother." She's getting teary-eyed. Kadowaki panics internally. He was never trained to deal with a crying girl so he tries his best to cheer her up. 

"I-It's no problem! Hibi-chan's our friend after all!" Kadowaki assures, handing her his handkerchief. It got Kagari bawling.

"H-Hibi-chan has city friends now!" Kagari mewls, blowing out her snot.

"K-Kagari-san please stop crying! Hibi-chan will kill me!" 



'Three.'  Kohinata secretly counts the times Hibiya clicks his tongue as they wait for their turn at the cafeteria stall. They awkwardly stand beside each other, neither of them know how to open up a conversation. It made Hibiya sigh deeply. "Why me..." he whines to himself. 

Kohinata's ears perk up. "What was that, Hibiya-kun?" he asks, hopeful that Hibiya initiated a talk. 

"Nothing." Hibiya brushes him off and looks away. Kohinata deflates. Here he is, hoping he and Hibiya would get the chance to talk after... that. Hibiya can't seem to look at him properly now. 'He's a guy. A guy!' 

"Hibiya-kun..." Kohinata sweats drop, watching the guy ruffle his hair in frustration. He points to the lunch lady. "We're up next." he points out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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