Excerpt 2: JappaSatya

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Author: JappaSatya

Book: Being the Missus

Genre: Arnav Khushi Fan Fiction

"Why are you taking me to kitchen? Where's Hariprakash? HAR-" Arnav stopped mid yell, half cursing as NK slightly slapped his cheek.

"Nanav, aren't you ashamed of calling your butler for a glass of water! Is this what I brought you up for?" NK cried.

"NK, cut the crap. You didn't even exist when I was born."

"Uff don't focus of facts, focus on emotions. Are you so useless that you can't even take a glass of water for yourself!" NK chided, half praying to God as anger flashed in Arnav's eyes.

"What is wrong with you?" Arnav glared, angrily dropping his briefcase and storming towards the kitchen.

Crawling in front of the temple, NK sprawled on the floor "No... that's it... I won't play Love-Guru for anyone! I give up!"


"Everyone has gone mad in this house! First of all where is every-"

Khushi stiffened, hearing her husband's rumble. She heard him stop, his footfalls measured till she could feel his breath hot against her ear.

"I must say... for the first time I'm grateful to have that idiot in this planet." He hissed softly while Khushi nudged him on his ribs.

"Don't call NK an idiot!" She growled, fighting a blush rising against her cheeks as Arnav bent to skim his lips across her shoulder.

"I must say, today is a day of surprises Khushi Singh Raizada. First in the basketball court and now," His hands ran across the length of her green sari, pausing to lock his fingers across her waist-chain.

Controlling every urge to run away as far as possible for her unexplainable embarrassment, Khushi let shyness get the better of her. "As if you didn't enjoy seeing me jumping. I later realised that there were some assets which bounced along and against gravity to create a rather flattering image."

Arnav chuckled at her wife's little complaint, amused that she couldn't tell that to him in the eye, "Oh so you enjoyed me watching you."

Khushi's hand squeezed into the batter, mischievousness creeping up her spine.

"Yes! So keep on watching me only, no touching!" Arnav stepped back, shocked as she smeared batter against his cheek. Taken aback at her unabashed giggles, he paused to realise that this was the same dress she wore on the night they danced first.

Khushi's laughter turned into a gasp the minute Arnav smeared the batter against her waist.

"I think there are two things you should know." He breathed against the pulse on her throat.

"First-" He started, tracing his fingers languidly against her skin "-there are other interesting places where this batter could be." Khushi's breath hitched as he locked his dark eyes against her aroused ones.

"Second-" He leaned in "-do everything but order Arnav Singh Raizada to not touch you." He laughed wholeheartedly when Khushi pushed against his chest and ran towards their room with him in hot pursuit. 

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