A Letter from Me to Me

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To Me, From Me. A Short Story:

Dear Katie,

In June 2011 you'll be asked to babysit for one of your regulars. Don't worry, the baby doesn't have colic this time. I know that the money is good and that there's always a pair of boots you want, but hear me out on this one.

You're 20 now, you go to university and you're engaged. While this all sounds like puppies and rainbows, the last 6 years have been hard. The family you babysit for have a new dog. He's cute as a pup, but you won't see him until he's one. He's a Rhodesian Ridgeback, black as the night and a fan of squeaky toys. He's called Oakey and after that night, it's a name you won't forget.

Everything will go alright and you'll be writing The Roommate Rulebook over a packet of humbugs. You won't know why, but Oakey will get on the sofa and he will growl at you. You'll think it's because you looked at him funny and that he took it as a call for dominance. He'll get in your face and you'll hear his saliva moving around as he snaps his teeth together. Mum won't answer you as she's making toast. By the time she does, you'll be running through the passage and trying to get to the baby gate. He'll be hot on your heels and you'll feel like you're having a heart attack, but I promise that you'll get through the gate in time to shut it in his face. The sound of his teeth against the metal will haunt you for a while, but you'll get upstairs.

The kids won't wake up, luckily, but you're going to experience your first panic attack here. You'll feel like you're drowning on air and your limbs will be numb. I promise that will pass within 10 minutes. Your fingers will tingle and you'll feel dizzy when move. Stay still, Dad will get there soon and get the dog outside. Your ribcage won't be bruised from your heart beat either, despite it feeling like it. Try to block out the sounds of his snarls, you don't need to look at him.

You'll have hundreds of panic attacks over the next few years and you'll see lots of doctors. We get stronger, we become more in control and despite your worries, we get to university. Surprisingly enough, we handle the work load pretty well too! In 2017, you'll be asked to write for a 13 Reasons Why campaign and you'll be super excited because you loved the book. Then, after pondering for a while, you'll choose to write about Oakey. You'll write a letter to your younger self and you'll wish that of all the things you could change, it would be babysitting that night. Admittedly, you might be tempted to write about how your skirt fell down in P.E that time in front of the boys, but in the end, you'll pick this.

Stay strong, you'll get there in the end,


DISCLAIMER: I have been commissioned by Netflix and the Thirteen Reasons Why Campaign to write this short story for the contest.

Hi all! If you haven't seen the incredibly exciting contest news released on wattpad earlier today, check the homepage for the announcement. It's definitely worth giving an entry a go. :)

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