B. Is for beautiful* To be beautiful you should be yourself, and to be yourself is by being contented. My brothers and sisters we destroy our peace by comparing ourselves with others, we look at the polished exterior of others and feel inadequate about ourselves. Each person is a package of deal so accept the whole package. The wealth and possessions of others may impress you when you are unaware of the tests they maybe encountering. As said by Allah (SWT) in His Holy Book; '......and hath exalted some of you in rank above others, that He may try you by ( the test of) that which He hath given you.....' (Quran, 6:165)
The negativity is that each time we compare, we are left feeling unhappy and anxious, depriving ourselves from being aware of all the wonderful things in our lives.
Alhamdulillah for the gift of Islam. Islam recommended to us the rightful time to compare ourselves when it has a positive impact on our lives. To compare ourselves to people more knowledgeable or more charitable in order to get us inspired to be a better person. As narrated by Abu hurairah (رضي الله عنه), the prophet said; ' Do not wish to be like anyone except two men: a man whom Allah (SWT) has taught Qur'an and he recites it during the day and night and a man whom Allah (SWT) has given wealth and he spends it on charity'. ماشا الله! Another permissible comparison is looking at people who are much worse off than us in health and wealth. By doing this we instantly feel grateful and pacified, we become more beautiful.
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