Trust Issues

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(Y/N)'s POV

The days seemed to go by slower since that night. Though you didn't sleep as long and ate a little more, it didn't seem to make 'soon' come any sooner.

About a week or so after that night, Levi, Erwin, Hange, Reiner, Jean, Armin, Mikasa, Eren, and Ymir came down together. After just a glance at the visitors you knew why they were there. They don't trust me. You thought. Those are all the strongest in our squad. In case I...

You didn't finish your thought as you heard the jangle of keys and the heavy metal lock open. Then Erwin stepped inside and walked over, everyone else following but keeping their distance. He sat on the cot and started unlocking your shackles.

"You don't trust me." You whispered to him, keeping your eyes lowered to the shackles. He didn't look at you so you raised your head and said it a little louder, this time looking at everyone else. "You don't trust me." You repeated.

"It's just a precaution, (L/N)." Levi said flatly. Ymir and Armin flashed you apoligetic looks and Eren mouthed "Sorry,". You sighed and rubbed your wrists, which were free of their bonds now.

Your ankles soon were as well and you stood up. You were a little shakey at first and Erwin held out his hand to help but you pushed him away. You walked towards the door and the crowd around it kept their stance. "Let me through, please." You said. They didn't move.

You looked at Erwin and Levi frustratedly. "Tell them to move, would ya?" You asked. Before giving them time to answer you added, "Oh wait. You don't trust me to go anywhere on my own, now do you?" You scoffed at them.

Levi forcibly grabbed your arm and hauled you over to him."Enough with the attitude (L/N)." He growled.

You pulled away from him. "No!" You said. "You're all being ridiculous! I just want a bath and to change clothes, but apparently I can't do that now, can I?!" You yelled.

Everyone was silent after that. You walked over to the people in whom you thought were your friends, and spat, "Move." at them. Reiner, who was in front, looked at Erwin. Erwin nodded slightly and everyone moved. You stormed out.


Erwin's POV

(L/N) didn't come to dinner. Matter of fact, I didn't see her for the rest of the day.

The next day I didn't see her either. Or the next. Or the next. I asked Jean where she was. "She's either sleeping or in the bathroom, sir." He responded.

I couldn't sleep very well one night. It was the fifth night after I let her out. After about fifteen minutes of tossing and turning I finally got up. I put on my pants and boots and ventured out into the hallway.

As I walked down the hall I looked out the window. I noticed that someone was outside. I squinted my eyes to get a better look and realized who it was. (L/N).

I walked outside. As I got closer I saw she was eating a piece of bread and singing softly between bites. The moonlight bathed her in white and made her look as pale as a ghost.

She noticed me walking over and stopped singing. "What is it?" She asked, continuing to eat. She didn't look at me.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked, stopping beside her.

She snorted. "I could ask you the same question, sir."

I narrowed my eyes slightly. "Answer the question, Cadet."

"I'm eating, obviously." She replied smartly.

"But why now? Why here?"

"Why not now? Why not here?" She said. "If I come out at night, everyone's asleep. In alone. If I come out in the day, I get dirty looks. No one will talk to me. They avoid me."

I was silent, so she continued. "No one trusts me anymore, let alone likes me. It's just better for me to get around at night when I can be myself and not feel like total shit."

"Well you're different now." I said.

"No, I'm the same. It just seems like I'm different because I did something different." She said, finishing her bread.


"You should be getting back to bed, sir. You need your sleep more than you need to be talking to me." (L/N) said.

I didn't move. Instead I sat down. After a moment I asked, "Will you sing for me?"

(L/N) didn't answer. "Well?" I pressed.

"No." The reply was blunt.



"Because why?"

She was silent. Then she sighed. "What song?" She murmured.

"I don't care. Any song." I answered. She sighed again and started singing a song I'd never heard.

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