chapter 1

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Tori's POV

As we where walking back to the pack house i stared to wonder if i would find my mate. My birthday was only a few weeks ago and i had went through all the unmated males but my mate wasn't in this pack so i might find him tonight. I ran up to my room to get ready once i got to my room door i hear "TORI WEAR A DRESS" my mom shouts my family seems to shout alot,but i just waved her off and got ready. I chose a purple dress with lace on the surface it came to about my knees. I put on a little makeup just mascara eyeliner and chapstick because i don't like looking like a crayola box of crayons raped my face. I made my way downstairs to find my family waiting on me seems like we were going color coded and i didn't get the memo because they were all wearing blue. "oh well seems likes im the odd one out" i said then we walked out the door.

------------------------AT THE ALPHAS HOUSE-------------------------------------------------

Once we got to the new packs house i was amazed there was a grand house. this pack must be loaded i could use one of them. my wolf said she was such a gold digger like the song. We walked around the house and greeted people. Once the ceremony started everyone started to get food my mom told me not to get much so i didn't instead i'll just get alot of seconds. When we finished eating the alpha of the Moon Rise pack Alpha Daniels went on stage. i tuned him out debating with my wolf wether unicorns poop rainbows or candy obioulisy candy. Then the alpha called my family up talked about some other shit but what really caught my ear is. That he has a son that will go to my school his son's name is Ryder. I don't know why but that name brought shivers down my back the good kind of shivers. Once the ceremony was over we said goodbye and went home and that night i couldn't sleep because i was busy thinking about whatnwould happen tomorrow and for sme reason i have a good felling about it. God i sound like a love sick puppy (pun intended) with that i went to sleep.

------------------------ AURTHORS NOTE----------------------

So this is the i don't know what number chapter all i want to  say is thank you for reading my book if  you are add it to your libary i ill update tomorrow i hope this chapter is long thank you bye  

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