The portal

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Chapter 2 the portal

The portal opened up in front of her, the icy glacier blue edges of the portal seemed to glow against the empty black nothingness in the center of the portal, small at first the growing bigger, just big enough to the point where she could bend awkwardly and manage to fit through. She cautiously put her right leg in first, then having to crouch down a little managed to fit her upper body through, the portal was slowly collapsing once more she quickly pulled her left leg through just as the portal collapsed completely. Chills ran up her spine, she would have to remember to bring a jacket next time, she should have listened to her mom when she told her to grab a jacket when she left the house this morning. But how was she supposed to know that the portal she had found for time traveling would be unpleasantly cold? Exiting the portal just how she entered it the portal disappeared behind her causing an enormous burst of wind. Dusting herself off, she walked away from the giant metal pipe that went under the freeway. It was pitch black once you were in the tube, creepy as hell, one eery noise and it was bad enough to make even a nun swear, but it just so happened that that was where the portal was. Saturdays she usually hung out with her friends but had completely forgotten once she discovered the mysterious portal she couldn't think about anything else. She crossed the street and started walking towards the park, with her head in the clouds as usual, she was startled when she heard someone whisper in her ear "hey cutie pie!" it was just Her best friend tanner, they had been best friends since they met in 7th grade, and 4 years later he was still proud of the nick name that he had come up with for her. He called her cutie pie, because her first name happened to be Apple. She knew her name was unusual but she had no say in the choosing of her name. Besides at least she had cool initials: ABC, her full name was Apple, Blackberry, Cambridge. Tanner was hopelessly in love with her and everyone knew it, well everyone but apple.

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