[It Was Just a Dream, Right?] Chapter 2

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Everything was dark, quiet, empty. A faint echo of a beating soul bounced off into nothingness. A gentle snore seemed to rumble in your head. 'Sans' your thought, recognizing his soft snores and sweet scent of ketchup. A wave of peace washed over your body, feeling comfort from the skeleton's presence. Sure, you haven't known him for more than an hour, but something about him.... Makes him so different compared to everyone else you have met. You couldn't quite put your finger on it. You were so lost in thought that you didn't notice someone watching you. Their eyes burning into your flesh as they just stood there. They walked up behind you. Each step seemed painfully slow. Their footsteps clicked against the ground quietly. They rested a hand on your shoulder making you jump and scream. Your scream was muffled by a small hand slapping over your mouth. You felt their nails clawing your skin as black liquid dropped down your shoulder. The hand on your shoulder disappeared and returned holding something cold. Your e/c flickered around, spotting the object the hand was holding, a red knife.....

You began to panic tears rolling down your face as you struggled to get free, your screams muffled by the hand. You finally broke free, shooting to your feet and a few yards away from the person. It was a child, only 12 or so. They had chestnut brown hair that fell to their shoulders. They wore a green and yellow sweater and brown shorts. Their skin was fairly pale and had rosy pink cheeks. They stride towards you. You felt paralized, unable to move your legs even though you oh so desprately wanted to. They made a mad dash towards you, gripping their hand around your neck, digging their nails into your flesh again. They were smiling, their ruby eyes glowing with LOVE. They slid the knife across your cheek that made a long cut along the side of your face. The scarlet liquid dripped from it and seeped into your h/c hair. It hurt like hell, the warm breathe coming from the child stung the wound, increasing. You cried as you struggles to breath, gasping for air as your vision began to fade. Everything grew darker, darker, yet darker.....

Sans POV (during dream):

I woke up from my nap to see Y/N laying next to me. She was curled up into a little ball, guessing she was still asleep. But something seemed off. Y/N didn't seem to be having a peaceful sleep. She was shivering, mumbling, crying even! What was happening, I do not know, but I know I should be there for her once she wakes up. It pains me to see her in this state. She doesn't deserve the pain she is going through. She didn't do anything wrong, well, that I am aware of. She seems like a really nice girl, just timid and confused.

My thoughts were interrupted by Y/N whimpering. I looked down at her troubled face, seeing something red flash on her cheek. My eye sockets went blank as I saw what it was. A cut. It was fresh and dripping with dark red blood. Yet, it quickly disappeared, as if it was never there in the first place. The sight terrified me, there was a sinking feeling deep within my soul. And with that, Y/N woke up in a crying and trembling mess. I wrapped my arms around her, comforting her. To my surprise, she hugged me back, tighter then I expected. I stroked my skeletal fingers through her soft hair, it seemed to calm her down. I felt her shaking slow down then eventually stop. Her breathe became steady again, and only had a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

I looked up from Y/N noticing a f/c heart floating above her. Her soul... It had multiple cracks coming from the outer part, inwards. The color seemed to be fading. This wasn't right... That's not what human souls look like. I should take her to Alphys soon. Maybe she will know what is wrong with Y/N soul. My thoughts were interrupted by Y/N quiet, shaky voice,
"S...s...ans...?" I sighed a bit as I pulled her closer to my chest, wrapping one arm around her waist while the other hand rested on her head.
"It's fine kid... It was just a dream..." I mumbled back to her, keeping my voice as soft and calm as I can.
"But... It felt so... Real..." She said, her voice cracking a bit at her final word. I couldn't help but to look down into her tearful e/c eyes.
"Do you want to talk about it...?" I offered. Maybe getting it off her chest will help her calm down. She hesitated for a moment then nodded.

[Time skip BTYB (brought to you by) Dapper Blook]


When you finished explaining the horrid nightmare, Sans' perminate grin seemed to falter, the corners of his smile seemed to fall. His pinpricks began to darken as his state seemed to burn into your flesh. You waved your hand in front of his face, trying to gain is attention. He immediately snaps back into reality, shaking his skull lightly which also returned his pinpricks to their normal soft glow. "So..." You said quietly, trying to breaks the awkward silence. He starred at you for a good minute, it confused you a lot. Then he suddenly pulled you into a hug, making you surprised by the sudden contact. He set your head into his chest while he rested his chin(?) on top of your head. He sighed quietly; you felt his warm breath roll down your neck, it felt soothing. You wrapped your arms around his neck while his rested around your waist.
"I'm sorry that happened to you, I wish I could have been able to protect you," he mumbled to you. You felt cared for, important, needed.
"It was just a dream... Well a nightmare, just my mind being a complete jerk to me as always. You can't do anything about dreams," you say to Sans. He runs his skeletal fingers through your h/c hair.
"I know... You need some proper rest now, I'll be right here if you need me, alright bud?" He said calmly. You nodded and let your mind come to ease. You heard the sound of Sans snoring, ou couldn't help but giggle to yourself about how cute it sounded. And for once in a very long time, you had a peaceful sleep.

To crash on me
I know you're over thinking things
But I need this from you
So bad now

Wooooo! 1126 word count! Sorry it took so long to update. I only write when I'm bored plus school is school. I might try to make a schedule when summer roles around since I only have like 10 days left of school.
Anywho! I'm planning on starting a Charisk Fanfic! Once this book is over, I'm planning on making some plot ideas for a Frans Fanfic! I also have more xReaders in the planning area like SS!Chara and UF!Sans.

Bye my little floofs!


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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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