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"The Soulwielder, the strongest in all five realms. Capable of channeling the souls of fallen monsters and using them for Elemental power. Soulwielders are incredibly uncommon. More so than even people born with no powers at all. Now, who can tell me what some of the other powers one can be born with are?" The teacher asked her class. Silence washed over the room of teenagers staring out into space. The only noise for a moment was the ticking of the clock on the wall.

Then I raised my hand. I'm Avian if you were curious. I've got long brown hair cut unevenly and I don't really take care of it. I couldn't care less about my hair. I've also got sharp turquoise eyes. I'm normally wearing a dark blue long-sleeved shirt under a grey jacket and blue jeans. My shoes are just dark red sneakers because my mom can't be bothered to care about a brand.

Anyways I had essentially sealed my fate socially as the nerd with no filter. Not like it mattered to me, I had my friends and that was enough.

The teacher acknowledged the only hand up in the entire room. "Yes Avian?"

"Some other examples of special powers are healing, enhanced strength or intelligence, magic, and building. While nobody is entirely sure why we are all born with different abilities and how those abilities came to be a common theory is that it started with a genetic mutation that is sporadic and creates randomized abilities with no noticeable pattern between family." I answered, of course going above and beyond. That was the nerd's job.

The teacher smiled. "Well done Avian. Now, who can tell me what the Elemental weaknesses and advantages are?" She scanned the room. "Anyone? Anyone at all? Talia?"

Finally, someone other than me raised their hand. My friend Talia. She was a healer and a darn good one at that. I once broke my leg and she kept me from screaming until a professional could arrive to help.

Talia had long blond hair and big brown eyes. She was wearing a pink shirt with a character from some cartoon she was obsessed with on it. She also had on a blue skirt and blue leggings. Talia might not look like it at first but she was a total nerd.

"The four main elements fire, ice, water, and earth. Earth defeats fire, fire defeats water, water defeats ice, and ice defeats earth. Though that's only how the elements work in magical attacks and the species. Regular fire still melts regular ice. Then Life defeats all of them as does Shadow. Which is only weak to Life magic." Talia said, getting a resounding nothing in the response department from her peers.

"Well done! Next unit we will begin researching the Shadow Wars which began when the shadow element was accidentally created. Class dismissed."

I stood and collected my things. "Finally the day is over! Felt like this went on for ages."

"To you maybe. For me, it was over in an instant." Talia replied, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

We walked out to the classroom together. "Well we better hurry, if I know Lars, and I do, he's been waiting for us outside the  school since second period." We parted ways briefly to stop at our lockers. I luckily had no homework so I left all my things in my locker, except my staff and a small bag which I slung over my shoulder.

Talia and I met up again in the main hall and we saw Lars standing at the entrance. Lars was a General in the making. He was gifted in enhanced strength and seemed like a good enough leader. Especially with the impatience.

Lars had short military cut black hair and piercing green eyes. He was muscular and had a large build. Normally he wore camo pants and a black T-shirt as was his required attire for the military training school he went to just next door.

Lars was two years older than we were so he'd already started fully pursuing his skill. Talia took a healing class but she also had normal classes.

Soulwielders Book One: ElementalWhere stories live. Discover now