Chapter 6: The Undead

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Chapter 6: The Undead

A/N: It seems that the site has caught up with its backlog of alerts and such. Thanks for sticking with me, despite the problems. I hope this gets to everyone on time.

The Once and Future Taiyoukai

Chapter 6: The Undead

The weather turned shortly after noon, when the sun had just started its descent towards the west. One moment it was warm and they could see the blue sky above them, and the next dark clouds of thick, misty gray covered everything and blocked out the sun and any cheer it gave. The air around them felt heavy with impending rain, but not a drop fell. Kagome looked ahead and it was gray for miles and miles, sweeping over the valley they were now entering.

An icy wind curled around them and into their clothes, making Kagome shiver. She had the lightest kimono of the three and although she insisted that she could just wear her sweatshirt, Sesshoumaru handed her his pelt without a word. She wrapped it around and around, until her two companions could only see legs and eyes.

"Someone will think you're a demon," said Midoriko, her eyebrow arched.

"Let them," muttered Kagome, closing her eyes briefly. "I'm very comfortable. It's loads better than my sweatshirt, that's for sure."

"Aren't you cold?" asked the elder priestess. It was the first time Kagome had heard Midoriko address Sesshoumaru directly. She was scowling at the taiyoukai, but Kagome would take what progress she could get.

"No," he replied with a slight smirk that only irritated the priestess.

"Isn't your village nearby?" asked Kagome, heading off any possible nasty retorts from the priestess.

Midoriko nodded grudgingly. "It's that one, just ahead," she murmured, pointing to the only village in sight, just where the road began to run along the flat bottom of the valley.

Kagome paused mid-step at her companion's sullen tone. "We... we don't have to go," she said. "I'm sure there's some other way."

"There's isn't," said Sesshoumaru, stopping to look at her. "Unless you were prepared to take a eight day detour. This is the only pass through the mountains for many leagues."

"We can spare the time," said Kagome, casting an apprehensive glance at Midoriko. Her mouth was set in a firm line as she stared out over the valley. "You said you weren't eager to go to home, Sesshoumaru. It's only a little more than a week extra. What harm would it do?"

He frowned. "We are here. What is the purpose of taking another route if we can pass through this one?"

Kagome opened her mouth to argue, but Midoriko cut her off. "He's right," she murmured.

"He... what?" Kagome stared.

"He's right," repeated the miko, turning to face them again. Her face was pale, but her jaw was set and her eyes were steely. "There's no reason we should not go through this pass. I only ask one favor."

Kagome nodded. "Alright. Anything," she said, ignoring Sesshoumaru's frown.

"May we stay for the night? As you reminded me yesterday, Kagome-san, I have not been here in so very long. If I must be here, I should speak to some old friends of mine," she murmured.

"Of course. You deserve a night at home," said the younger miko, a smile spreading. "As long as you're sure. It looks like it's going to rain anyway, so it'd be good to stop," she added, with a meaningful look at the taiyoukai. He only scowled in return.

The Once and Future Taiyoukai By RosieB. (Inuyasha FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now