"The tricked witch is a Slytherin!"

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That morning, Belle was verry hungry. She hadn't got her Slytherin uniform yet. The house teacher Mr. Ramirez would give it to her at breakfeast, but Belle wanted to meet Harry, Ron and the others, before they would start hating her. 

She had her black robes on, and walked to the breakfeast hal.

- Belle! she could hear someone shout. She looked the way she had heard the voice from, and saw Ginny standingup waving. 

- Come sit with us, Hermiony shouted. Belle walked over to the slowly.

She knew they wouldn't like the idea of her beeing in Slythering, but she didn't know why she came into Slytherin. She didn't want to be in that house. And the questions were absurd! She had never killed annybody! Never!

Belle sat down on Hermionies side.

- You want? Harry asked and gave her a plate of eggs.

- No thanks, I'm not hungry, Belle answered. That was true she wasn't. She didn't want to tell them. Her stomack snored and Ron looked at her.

- Your stomack doesnt say the same, he said and looked at Belle. 

- Atleast take som fruit, Ginny said. Belle shoock her head.

- Come on, Hermiony said. Whont you eat?

- Nothing, Belle said and looked at the table. Her hair was hanging over her face. "I hate this, I hate this!". 

- Come on, Ron said. Eat some... (it sounded like he was looking for somthing good for her to eat).. pankakes?

Belle shock her haid again. "Why? WHY?"

Suddenly she could feel a hand on her shoulder and she lifted her head. It was Mrs. Mcgonagall.

-  I'm verry sorry to tell you Isabelle...

- Belle.

- Well, Belle. I'm verry sorry but you can not sit her, you must sit at Slytherins table.

Belle could see everyone looking at Belle. She looked up, and she was right. They were looking from Mcgonagall to Belle and then back to Mcgonagall.

Belle stood up and went with Mrs. Mcgonagall to the table of  Slytherin. There was a big empty spot were no one was sitting, and Belle sat down there. 

- Well, said Mrs. Mcgonagall. Here are you stuff. 

She gave Belle a gren and silver tie and some other stuff lika a skarf and winterclothes, but last she gave her a Slytherin ring.

- Why...? Belle said, but Mcgonagall interupted her.

- It bellonged to your father, she said coldly. And by the way, here's your schedule.

- Tahn you, Belle said. 

Mrs. Mcgonagall left, and Belle was left there alone. She didn't have a single friend in Slytherin. "Fuck" she thought and turned around and watched Hermiony, who was looking at her. She seemed kind of sad. As she noticed Belle was looking at her, she looked away and then down in her plate. 

Belle turned back, and saw a big plate with lots of food on it. She looked upp and saw the headmaster, Albert, smiling at her. "Thank you" she thaught and started to eat. Eaven if she felt really bad, she was really hungry. 

Som feet away, there was a boy sitting with his friends. The boys name was Draco. Draco Malfoy.

- Seriously, a boy called Axel said and looked mad. We cant possibly be having Mr. Wikard in defence against the dark arts, thats absurd!

- Calm down Axel, another voice said, and it cam from a tal, big boy who had a round face and black  hair. His name was Goyle. 

- But it's redicoulus! He is an idiot! He can't even do the entchantment "Expeliarmus".  Even Malfoy would be better as the dark arts teacher. I mean....

- Axel, be quiet ok? a skinny boy with blond-white hair and grey blue eyes. I mean shoure, he's not a good teacher, but give him a chace atleast.

- How am I supposed to do that? What's wrong with you two? Since you came back from the Dark Lord, you've changed Malfoy. You've changed a lot!

Axel took his things and went out of the big hal. Both Malfoy and Goyle looked after him.

- He just doesn't get it, Goyle said to Malfoy. He doesn't understand what you've been throu.

Malfoy looked at Goyle. Goyle once again remeinded him about everything that he had done for Voldemort. He hated it! He had hated everything! He never wanted to do annything that he did. The dead people, the hount to kill muddbloods. It had just been to much for him.

- Ohh, Sorry Malfoy, Goyle said and looked worried.

- It's ok, Malfoy said and looked at Goyle. What time do we have potion lesson?

- In one hour, Goyle answered. Suddenly a boy came and whispered something in Goyles ear.  When the boy was going to leave, he looked at Malfoy with terrified eyes, before he left.

- What did he say? Malfoy asked trying to forget the expretion on the boys face.

- The tricked witch, Goyle started. She's a Slytherin!

Malfoy didn't say annything. He didn't care about her, he didn't care aboute anything anymore. But Goyle seemed to be really interested. It seemed like.... No, Malfoy couldn't think now.

- She's sitting over there, Goyle nodded, and Malfoy looked at the direction that Goyle had nodded. At the end of the table there was sitting a girl. She had black hair, and she was pale. You could see her eyes shine a bright color, almost yellow but brown too.

- So? Malfoy said, trying to get his eyes of the girl.

- Maybe we should help her to fin the next class..., Goyle said.

- Doesnt she have the girls to do that? Malfoy asked. He didn't really want to help the knew girl, but in some way he did want to.

- I don't think they like her that much, Goyle. Not that I know annything, but they are jeaoulus. Derik, that little boy toled me, they talked about her, as she came into the sleeping room this morning. They said that she was uggly, but that's not my opinion. I mean....

- OK, OK I GET IT! Malfoy said in a loud voice. Just stop talking about it!

- Oh, sorry, Goyle said.

Malfoy looked at the girl one last time. He could se Goyle watching him carefully. He had the same expretion that Derik had had.

- Sorry, I just...

- No, I understand, Goyle said quickly. You have lots of other problems, I would understand....

- Goyle, Malfoy said almost laughing. You REALLY want to get to know her, don't you?

- Well, Goyle started. I mean, who doesnt? She's kenw.

Malfoy started laughing, and Goyl started laughing even louder.

Belle was sitting thinking about how she would get to her classrom, when two tall boys walked twoards her. They were both from Slytherin, you could se that on their tie.

- Hello, the big one said as she looked at him. The looked verr strong. His eyes where blue and his hair was brown/black. My names Goyle and this is Malfoy. 

Belle looked at the other boy. He was skinnier than his friend. He had blond-white hair and green-blue eyes. He seemed verry cold and icy, but he looked kind of good. Suddenly he looked straight at her, and Belle looked back to the other boy, whos name was Goyle.

- We have potion setion now, and we were wondering if we could accompany you to the classroom? The boy smiled at her, but the other one, Malfoy was still looking at her.

- Ok, she said and took her things. She put on her tie, and started to walk to the lesson with Goyle and Malfoy. Maybe beein in Slytherin wasn't that bad aftar al?

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