1. Sherlock x Reader || Part 1

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Number 1! This story is one of my own ideas. It is super creepy and pretty dark, so I advise those who are not comfortable with reading those kinds of things to not read this one. And to those who do enjoy this kind of dark stuff... Well, enjoy!

Sherlock Holmes was bored. There weren't any interesting cases and he was starting to get fed up.

"John," he whined, "Is there nothing new? Nothing at all?"

John rolled his eyes, but patiently looked up from his book, "No, Sherlock. You've now asked me the same question five times in 3 minutes."

"Really it's been that short? Felt a lot longer to me," Sherlock grumbled.

John sighed at his flatmates antics, "If it makes you happy I will check one more time, but on one condition," he reasoned.

Sherlock raised and eyebrow skeptically, "Which is?"

John placed his book next to him, "If there is nothing, you will not bother me for the next hour," he smiled.

Sherlock groaned, "But what if there is nothing? If I can't bother you for an hour, what do you expect me to do in that time-period?"

John shrugged, "I don't know, read a book or something, but don't bother me."

After a second of silence Sherlock huffed his agreement and John smiled, "Good."

He stood up from his seat and walked over to his laptop, clicking on his emails to see if anyone had sent them any cases. His eyes widened slightly and he laughed shortly at what he found.

"What?" Demanded the bored consulting detective.

John looked up from the laptop, "It looks like life's on your side today, I just got an email from a (Y/n) (L/n) requesting to speak to Sherlock Holmes with a case as soon as possible," he read off the message. "She literally sent it a minute ago, how convenient for you," he sighed.

Sherlock sat straighter, "Great! Tell her to come over immediately! We have no time to waste!" He exclaimed, glad at the opportunity to get rid of his boredom. He just hoped it was a good case.

John sent the message after a while of arguing to Sherlock about how maybe they should just give it a day before they check out the case. Obviously he lost the debate and therefore he now sat at his desk telling (Y/n) (L/n) to come today and as soon as she felt like. A minute after he sent it, he got a reply thanking them and saying that she was on her way.

John stood up, "There. She's coming over now," he told Sherlock before collapsing into the chair, "And here I thought I'd get at least one measly hour of peace," he sighed to himself, while Sherlock sat excitedly trying to imagine what the case was.
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Fifteen minutes later Mrs. Hudson popped her head into the door of the flatmates, "Dearies, there's a lovely girl outside saying she's here for you two. Should I send her up or are you going out?" She asked.

Sherlock jumped up, "Send her up Mrs. Hudson. Let's not make her wait out in the cold," he replied.

John stood up and put away his book to welcome the guest.

Mrs. Hudson nodded and walked down the stairs. You could hear the two women talking and then one of them proceded to walk up the stairs.

A moment later a small, petite girl appeared in the doorway, cheeks slightly flushed from the weather outside she smiled at the two men. John walked forward to welcome her in and held out a hand.

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